
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 3/11/20

Looking out my window:

As I write this on Tuesday afternoon, it is dull and dreary out with a chance of rain.  Yesterday and Sunday were absolutely gorgeous!

I am thinking:

About Laken's pediatrician appointment this morning.  The pediatrician (dr.) has deicded to change our course of action with Laken's asthma.  Before she was just using a rescue inhaler before gym or sports.  Now she will be using a daily inhaler to try to cut back on the rescue inhaler use.  Prayers that it works!

I am thankful:

For modern medicine!

One of my favorite things:

I love to take naps on dreary days like this one.

I am creating:

I am still....

"I am creating a Prayer Shawl for my "Angel".  I've been working on it for what feels like weeks and am on the home stretch!  I'm using Red Heart Ombre in Scuba."

I am wearing:

A t-shirt and capris!

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to:

I'm getting ready to start reading "Deadly Proof" by Rachel Dylan, a new-to-me author.  I've heard really good things about her books and writing so I'm excited to dig in!

I am hoping:

I am hoping that the change in Laken's medicine will help!

I am learning:

I am learning that the older I get the more I enjoy Daylight Savings Time!  I wish we could keep it year-round.

In my kitchen:

Sun:  Church Potluck
Mon:  Spaghetti with meatballs
Tues:  Ladies Meeting Potluck
Wed:  Pork Chops, Oven Potatoes
Thurs:Fish and Fries
Fri:  Homemade Pizza
Sat:  Grilled Cheese, Soup

Shared Quote:

"Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself."

Luke 24:27

A moment from my day:

I don't have a picture but I'll share a moment from my day, well actually Kaylee's day.  Kaylee had an interview Tuesday evening for a part-time job!  She thinks she did well.  I guess we'll find out before long.

Have a Blessed Day!



  1. My son and I use a daily inhaler and it has worked out fine. I enjoyed your Simple Daybook post. Have a great day, friend.

    1. Glad to hear the daily inhaler works well for you. I'm hoping it does for Laken as well. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I have the daily inhaler also and have had good luck with not using the rescue inhaler near as much. It is more comforting to me and I hope it works well for your daughter as well!!


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