
Friday, March 27, 2020

First Lines Friday, 56 and BBH ~ 3/27/20

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

First Lines

Connecticut, 1890

"You and your brother are to go to the music room, close the door, and don't come out until I say you can."  It was strange for the maid to be ordering Rosalind around, but nothing had been normal since Mama and Papa got sick.

 Page 56

He grabbed her hand and dashed up the stairwell, down the hall, and out into the alley beside the orphanage.  He whirled her around so she was facing him.  Never had he felt so electrified, but he had to clear the air first.

 Q.  Share a photo of one section of your bookshelf randomly selected or go ahead and share the entire bookshelf.



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  1. Happy Friday!

    I've been hearing such great things about A Daring Venture, and I'm really looking forward to reading it.

    My first line this week is from Take a Chance on Me by Becky Wade:
    "The hospital's electronic doors whooshed open as Penelope Quinn rushed toward the emergency room."

    Have a great weekend :)

  2. My first line is from Silent Shadows by Natalie Walters:

    Pecca Gallegos never thought she’d be turning down a marriage proposal—much less four of them.

    Just finished this wonderful book!

  3. Happy Friday!
    I'm sharing the first line from The Merchant's Yield by Lorri Dudley: I'm just starting the novel, so I will share another line from the book here today.
    "Mama glanced at Lottie's coiffure and sighed. 'I wish you had used powder.'"
    Hope you have an excellent day and a great weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚❤️๐Ÿ“–

  4. Pretty cover! I'm quite intrigued by those snippets as well. Sounds like a great read! Happy weekend!

  5. Happy Friday! My first line is from "Marry Me" by Autumn Macarthur:

    "The intercom on the hospital room wall beeped, interrupting Melanie and Alia's fast and furious clapping game and their storm of giggles."

  6. That first quote sound like something you'd expect someone to say today to family members. My Friday quotes

  7. I do enjoy reading about that time period. Thanks for sharing!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  8. Happy Friday! I'm sharing from The Story Peddler by Lindsay A. Franklin today. Here is the first line from chapter 3:

    "It wasn't easy to open the front door of my cottage with a bread bowl of stew in my hands and a jug of milk under one arm. But I managed."

  9. Happy Friday! Today, I'm sharing the first line from On Wings of Devotion by Roseanna M. White: "A stranger stalking down the street shouldn't make her hands tremble in anticipation."

  10. Happy Friday!
    Today on my blog I shared the first line from The Road to Paradise by Karen Barnett but right now I'm reading Labeling Lincoln by Stephenia H McGee so I'll share the first line from chapter 2 here: George struggled to keep his composure as they led him deeper into the bowels of the prison." Happy reading this weekend!


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