
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Weekly Weigh In ~ 2/5/20

No Workshop or Weigh In this week.  Our Youth Group had a Lock In (all night get-together with food and fun) Friday night and I'm a Youth Helper.  The Lock In wasn't over until 11am Saturday which is well after my Workshop.

I do, however, have some exercise news.  We've been going to the gym pretty regularly for a few weeks now.  Laken turned 13 years old on Sunday and can now go with us!  Monday evening was the first evening that we were able to go to the gym as an entire family of four :)  Laken was very excited to show us her "stuff" :)  We were diligent to make sure she didn't over-do herself, though!

I do mainly cardio but Doug, Kaylee and Laken do a little bit of cardio to warm up and then move on to the weights and lifting area.  I'm just not ready for that yet!  It was actually FUN!  I remember going to the gym by myself and dreading it because everyone else was at home.  I think going as a family will definitely help me be more consistent with my gym time.  I'm definitely feeling stronger!


On to the weigh in:

WW Starting Weight ~ 7/27/19 ~ 290.8 lbs
2020 Starting Weight ~ 12/28/19 ~ 270.2 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 11/25/20 ~ 268.4 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 2/1/20 ~      ? lbs

This Week's Total:    ? lbs

Grand Total: -22.4 lbs

I'll be weighing in on Saturdays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends! 



  1. I am joining again...last weeks weight loss for me was only 1.2 pounds but I keep telling myself that my body is making muscle so that is the trade off. Time will tell as my jacket feel looser when I zip it. Keep up the awesome work!!! You got this Colletta!!! HUGS

    1. 1.2 pounds is excellent for a week! Great job! You got this! :)

  2. I'm blue at WW, too. Went for my meeting this morning and down .4 for January. I've been at lifetime for the last two years, but unfortunately this holiday season got the better of me and I'm two pounds over goal. I was happy to see the trend going down! I'm @purlplesneakers on Connect.

  3. I'm so glad you're still posting! I've had a little bit of an off season of blogging, but I hope to join weekly weigh ins again! I've been at a stalemate for a year now, but we just joined the gym again! I'm excited for your weight loss, and that you get more gym time! Yay!


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