
Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/3/20

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

My baby, Laken, turned 13 years old yesterday.  How can that be?  I now have two teenagers, at least for another year before Kaylee turns 20!  What???  I better not take my mind down that rabbit hole!

The weather outside is::::

We has snow yesterday morning but it didn't last long.  It turned out to be a beautiful day.  Today we're supposed to get close to 60F!

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin with Peanut Butter

As I look around the house::::

I have some blankets to wash and put away.  Other than that, not too bad :)

On today's to do list::::

Today is pretty packed.  Kaylee has a drs. appointment at 1:30pm and then we need to get groceries.  I already made the menu and grocery list.  This evening we're "scheduled" to go to the gym but it is also book fair night for Laken.  I'm not sure what we're doing exactly.

Happening this week::::

Devotions:  Our Really Bad Girl of the Bible this week was Jael who killed a bad guy by hammering a tent peg in his temple!  I've never really thought of her as being a "bad girl" because she killed the evil man but I guess she did trick him...

WW:  We had a Lock In at our Church for the Youth Friday night into Saturday morning.  I didn't make it to my Workshop because I was up all night and had pizza.  I debated leaving the Lock In and going but I didn't want to leave the other leaders in the lurch.

Exercise:  I did pretty well this week with my exercise.  This week we'll be going to the gym in the evening.  Now that Laken is 13, she can go along as my guest.

Housework:  Pretty much normal this week.

Doug:  The hubby is on daylight (7am-3pm) this week but will probably be working overtime into the evening.  He signed up for his own Planet Fitness membership because he was going as my guest but we'll need Laken to be my guest now.

Kaylee:  Kaylee wasn't feeling very well Saturday evening.  I don't know if she was getting a bug of some sort or just tired from staying up most of the night at the Lock In.  She seems to be feeling better now so that is good.

Laken:  Laken was super excited about the Lock In as it was her very first one.  She was even more excited about Sunday being her birthday and turning 13!  She loves her birthday and looks forward to it all year long :)

Currently reading::::

I'm STILL reading:

In fact, I didn't do very much reading at all this week :(

Next, I'll probably read either a historical fiction or a nonfiction.

 On the TV::::

FBI Most Wanted
Prodigal Son
Lincoln Rhyme

Listening to:

On the menu week::::

Monday -  Chicken with Gravy, Homemade waffles
Tuesday -  Ham, Cheesy Potatoes
Wednesday -  Chicken Spaghetti, Garlic Bread
Thursday  - Turkey and sides
Friday -  Steak, noodles
Saturday -  Grilled Cheese, Soup
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

Still working on the Ombre Cozy Stripe Afghan at my leisure which hasn't been at all this week.

I've been busy working on a prayer shawl for my "Angel" at Church.  I'll post a picture when I'm finished :)

Picture From the Camera

The Birthday Girl!
Bible Verse

He says, "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Psalm 46:10 NIV


  1. Don't you just love Tauren Wells? He is amazing!!!

    Happy Birthday to your baby, and yes, don't even start thinking about it, they grow so fast. Mine are turning 17 and 21 in April. Goodness!!

    Have a wonderful week.

    1. Tauren Wells is currently one of my favorites :)

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter - very pretty.
    We don't have lock-downs here so don't know much about that but interesting to read about that.
    Have a great week

    1. A Lock-in is basically an all night get together to eat play games and have fun! The kids really enjoy it :)

  3. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Happy Birthday to your girl!
    How is the Prodigal Son? I'm alllll about Lincoln Rhyme!
    Have a great week :)

    1. Prodigal Son is amazing! It is right up there with Lincoln Rhyme!

  5. Happy birthday to Laken! I'm finally getting myself back on track -- eating and exercise -- after the excesses of December and being sick in January. Back to water aerobics and swimming laps. Not sure why, but I was the only person in our Y pool this afternoon in the lap lanes. What a treat! Wishes for a great week.

  6. Birthday wishes to Laken! 🎂

    Have a great reading week

  7. Happy Birthday, Laken! (They grow up so fast!) And blessings for a great week...or what's left of it anyway! :)

  8. I am so sorry to be so late the past few weeks! Happy birthday to Laken! They grow up so fast! I hope you had a GREAT week. See you tomorrow! BTW I mailed my swap last week, but my email was hacked so I haven't used it this week trying to find the source and get it changed around.


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