
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Weekly Weigh In ~ 2/13/20

I'm a day late posting my Weekly Weigh In because, to be honest, I wasn't even going to write it.

I'm so discouraged :(

I gained 3.2 lbs last week according to my WW weigh in!  How can that be????  I've been staying on track with my food and I've been hitting the gym regularly with the family.  I don't know what happened but it makes me just want to quit.

Not quit eating better and exercising, but to quit WW.  Why am I paying almost $50/month to gain weight?  Why am I getting up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays to go to my Workshop while my family sleeps in just to be told that I've gained 3.2 POUNDS!

I haven't cancelled my membership as it is good through the 21st but I'm seriously considering just tracking my food and exercise in a notebook and saving the time and money that is WW.  I've been battling the same 5 lbs for 5 months and I don't understand why.

Any suggestions???  I'm at a loss....


On to the weigh in:

WW Starting Weight ~ 7/27/19 ~ 290.8 lbs
2020 Starting Weight ~ 12/28/19 ~ 270.2 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 2/1/20 ~ 268.4 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 2/8/20 ~      271.6 lbs

This Week's Total:    +3.2 lbs

Grand Total: -19.2 lbs

I'll be weighing in on Saturdays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends! 



  1. You could save a bit of money by doing the digital-only WW. That is what I do. I track on the computer or app. It's $19.99 a month, sometimes less, if you get a deal. (Actually, I'm paying $17.10 per month for another couple months, due to a special I got last September.)

    For me, I am definitely going to stay with WW. I am much more likely to actually track my food, since it's easy to do with the app. I'm not disciplined enough to keep a notebook and then having to look things up.

    1. I've given thought to going digital only. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do. Thanks for the input!

  2. If you have been exercising (which you have), you are gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. Eventually, the increase in weight will go back down as your body re-adjusts.

    For me, I gave up on WW as I never lost anything on it. You know how they market clothing as one size fits all? We all know that is not true. For me, their program didn't work.

    What has consistently worked for me is eliminating most processed foods (no frozen dinners, etc.). My carbs come from fresh veggies and fruit.

    I can't eat gluten. So no bread, pasta, etc., for me unless it is gluten free and even then, I really don't eat that stuff because it is processed even though it is gluten free. I still get my cheeseburger (can't live without that every once in a while) but get it lettuce wrapped instead. I occasionally eat sweet potatoes but no white potatoes. No rice (it disagrees with my stomach) and occasionally have oats and quinoa. Not too much corn (if at all).

    No sugar either (that was huge as sugar is in everything!). Usually once a month or so, I might have a little ice cream, but that is it. Otherwise, I start craving sugar again and it is just not worth it. So no ketchup on my hamburger as it is full of sugar.

    I take my vitamins, pre and probiotics for digestion and good gut health. The pre is important so the pro can do its thing. No artificial sweeteners either other than monkfruit or stevia (I like the stevia drops in various flavors--the powdered stuff? Not so much. It tastes bitter to me). Artificial sweeteners play havoc with your gut.

    I do eat some sort of protein either meat, fish, cheese etc., daily with my meals. This combo works for me and is maintainable for my lifestyle. I used my WW money to buy an exercise bike which I try to get on a few times a week (while watching my favorite Prime or BritBox shows). I walk unless the weather is awful or I garden (when the weather is good). I also take ballroom dance lessons twice a week, which are great fun and great exercise. This old lady is learning to lindy hop!

    My blood work from my physical came back fantastic. I even reversed my osteopenia in my hips! I didn't know I could do that! I am now working on reversing it in my spine. We shall see how it goes!

    In the past year, I have dropped 4 dress sizes! I am down about 45 lbs! It is slow (there are weeks I don't lose anything) but it is steady. I am about halfway there.

    So, you might want to try the digital version of WW if you like that diet for you. It still helps you to keep track. If you let your membership lapse, WW will come looking for you and will probably give you a deal on the membership digitally, especially if they know you want to quit their diet.

    You can take a look at She has daily/weekly recipes and breaks them out according to points, etc. No I don't work for her or anything like that but the few recipes I have tried have been delicious. She also has a book where you can keep track of your points, etc.

    We do wish you all the best. We ALL have been where you are. Let us know what you decide to do. We will be here cheering you on.

  3. Wow! Great job on losing 45 lbs in the past year! It sounds like you are very active and are doing a great job with your health. Thank you for being my cheerleader :)


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