
Monday, February 10, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/10/20

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

I got my hair cut today with a bit of an undercut!  What????  I'm still getting used to it!!!!  LOLOLOL!!!!

The weather outside is::::

Delightful :)  Yesterday morning on the way to Church we had 2 inches of freshly fallen snow.  Today it was 50F out!  Such a difference a day makes.  However, we're supposed to be down to 9F by Friday...

On my breakfast plate:

The hubby and I went through Burger King as we were out running errands.  I had a Ham, egg and cheese Croissant and hash browns.

As I look around the house::::

I didn't get very much done today but I'm still pretty much caught up on things.  I just need to tidy up a bit.

On today's to do list::::

We had to take the Subaru to the dealer to have 2 different recalls fixed.  It is good to know that everything should be in working order now.

Happening this week::::

Devotions:  Our Really Bad Girl of the Bible this week was still Jael as we didn't get completely done with the lesson last week.  Some takeaways were:  1.  God is in charge; 2.  Check your motives; 3.  Learn from Jael but don't imitate her; 4.  Leaders do more than command--they do!

WW:  I had a huge gain this week and am just so discouraged with myself and with WW.  I've been battling the same 5 pounds for 5 months!  I'm thinking of trying something else.  Any suggestions??

Exercise:  We've been going to the gym as a family at least 3 times a week for 1 hour each workout.  It is so much more enjoyable to be exercising as a family than by myself all the time.

Housework:  Pretty much normal this week.

Doug:  The hubby has had a nasty cough for about a week.  It seems to be improving though.  He's on third shift this week (11p-7a) but has mandatory overtime.  BTW, he says he likes my hair...

Kaylee:  Kaylee has decided NOT to go for her bachelors degree in Accounting.  I do however want her to finish up a couple classes that she needs to get her Certificate in Business Accounting before possibly switching to Art.  Art is her passion but we've discussed her options and think we've come up with a Game Plan.

Laken: Laken is enjoying being a teenager!  She made the Science Olympiad team that I think I mentioned a few weeks ago.  She had to take a test and she and her partner made the team!  She is super excited :)

Currently reading::::

I'm STILL reading:

In fact, I didn't do very much reading at all this week :(

Next, I'll probably read either a historical fiction or a nonfiction.

 On the TV::::

FBI Most Wanted
Prodigal Son
Lincoln Rhyme

Listening to:

The Message
The Highway

On the menu week::::

Monday -  Chicken, Mashed potatoes
Tuesday -  Ladies Meeting Potluck
Wednesday -  Ham, Cheesy Potatoes
Thursday  - Pot Roast
Friday -  Steak, noodles
Saturday -  Grilled Cheese, Soup
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

Still working on the Ombre Cozy Stripe Afghan at my leisure which hasn't been at all this week.

I've been busy working on a prayer shawl for my "Angel" at Church.  I'll post a picture when I'm finished :)

Picture From the Camera

My beautiful babies at the Valentine Dinner at Church. 

Bible Verse

Come near to God and He will come near to you.  Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

James 4:8 NIV


  1. Menu sounds really good. I almost got an undercut last year and chickened out, go you hahahah

    Have a blessed week.

  2. Hi Colletta! Looks like you have a yummy week planned - love your dinner menu items! Hope you have a very Happy Valentine's Week!

  3. I'm honestly not sure what an undercut is? Sounds like it's working out wonderfully for you though :) Good for your daughter in her decision to follow her passion (and smart to have a backup plan as well). Hope you have a great week!

  4. Beautiful picture of your daughters. Hoping nobody else catches THE cold. Hope you had a great week

  5. Hi, it’s me…. so sorry I am always running so late these days! You know how you get behind and it seems impossible to catch up? I swear I will though! I hope you had a GREAT week.


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