
Friday, February 28, 2020

First Lines Friday, 56 and BBH ~ 2/28/20

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

First Lines

Rachel Somers wasn't sure what bothered her more:  conning most of America, or the fact that they'd been doing it for almost a decade and no one even suspected.

 Page 56

Mavis.  His first-ever regular caller when he'd been covering the any-topic-goes graveyard shift.

 Q.  Tomorrow is Leap Year. Name one book being released in 2020 that you would prefer to skip. (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

 A.  This is a hard one for me because I'm trying to only read books from my shelf this year.  I guess I would have to skip ALL the books being released in 2020 to stick to my goal!


Also linking up to:


  1. What a fascinating meme! I seriously need to step up my reading game, so I might participate someday. Happy Friday!

  2. Happy Friday!
    Over on my blog, I'm sharing the first line from When He Found Me by Victoria Bylin: I'm currently finishing A Convenient Christmas Wedding by Regina Scott, so I will share a line from that book here.
    "Nora woke on Christmas morning to the sound of voices calling."
    Hope you have an excellent weekend full of fun and relaxing reading!

  3. I'm pulled right in from the start! Happy weekend!

  4. My first line is from The Land Beneath Us by Sarah Sundin
    Camp Forrest, Tullahoma, Tennessee. Friday, June 11, 1943
    Most men woke in a cold sweat when they dreamed of their own deaths, but not Private Clay Paxton.

  5. Happy Friday! :)

    Today on my blog I’m featuring One Little Lie by Colleen Coble. I just finished Being Known by Robin Jones Gunn, so I’ll share the first lines here: “ Whenever I close my eyes and think of my mother, I see her red toenails. Her perfectly manicured toes flaunting her signature nail-polish color, Oh My, Cherry Pie.”

    Have a great weekend! 😊

  6. That's an awesome goal! I hope you can stick to it!

  7. Great goal!! Good luck! :) I need to do the same!!

  8. Happy Friday! Today, I'm sharing the first line from Isaiah's Legacy by Mesu Andrews: "I am Shebna. Small in stature, weak in body, strong of mind. A Levite."

  9. That's a tough goal. Good Luck and have a great weekend!

  10. Happy Weekend! My first line (actually 2 lines) is from "Draw Me to Your Side" by Marguerite Martin Gray:

    "Closing her eyes for a brief respite, Elizabeth dozed in the afternoon sun peeking through the frosty windowpanes. The image of a coiled, ferocious rattlesnake fought its way behind eyelids seemingly glued together."

  11. Ooo, that opening line is good. I hope the book is too. Happy reading!

    My Friday memes -

  12. The TBR shelf is ever present, isn't it?! Lol!
    I've become a very picky reader - hence my low number of DNFs - so rather than any particular 2020 release that I'd avoid reading this year, there will be whole genres and hundreds of books. ;-)
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, Colletta.
    Here's my BBH Post
    Flora x


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