
Monday, January 27, 2020

Journal Entry ~ 1/9/20-1/15/20

A few sentences about each day...

January 9-15, 2020

9/Thurs ~ My cousin, Alan, passed away today after a very long battle and complications from Multiple Sclerosis :(

10/Fri ~ My laptop won't stay connected to the internet and is getting on my nerves!  I don't know if it is the wifi or my computer...  The hubby's laptop (I'm using it now) seems to be working so I'll either confiscate his or get a new computer soon.

11/Sat ~ The Raven's lost their playoff game tonight!  Whoohooo!

12/Sun ~ Sick kids are no fun!  No Church for Laken today and now Kaylee has a sick stomach :(

13/Mon ~We went to the Campus Bookstore and picked up Kaylee's books for the Spring 2020 Semester.  Laken was home sick from school.

14/Tues ~ Today was our first day back at the gym.  We left after Laken got on the bus this morning so we'd get home in plenty of time for Doug to get ready for work as he is on second shift this wee.

15/Wed ~ Kaylee and I got our "Fitbits" today!  We got them synced to our phones and had fun trying to out-do each other.


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