
Monday, January 27, 2020

Journal Entry ~ 1/16/20-1/22/20

A few sentences about each day...

January 16-22, 2020

16/Thurs ~ Today was Kaylee's first day back to College after Winter Break.  I'm glad she had a good day :)

17/Fri ~ I went to the visitation for Alan this afternoon.  The funeral is tomorrow but an ice storm is coming our way.

18/Sat ~ The ice storm lasted all day.  Since we were stuck inside, we got Kaylee's wardrobe almost completely built and organized.

19/Sun ~ It is so icy and cold outside!  We made it down the driveway to go to Church but had to walk back up the driveway because we were spinning and not getting traction.  I hate ice!

20/Mon ~ Laken was off school today for MLK Jr. Day.  Doug, Kaylee and I went to the gym this evening and I got a total of 7130 steps for the day!  Getting there!

21/Tues ~ Mom was craving Stuffed Peppers so we got the ingredients while grocery shopping and made them for supper.

22/Wed ~ I took Laken to the doctor today because she still has a sore throat after five days.  She's negative for Strep Throat so it must be viral.


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