
Monday, January 20, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 1/20/20

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

The weather outside is::::

We had a nasty ice-storm on Saturday and were iced in the house.  We made it out for Church on Sunday morning but then couldn't make it back up our driveway!  We had to park in the grass and walk the rest of the way up the hill on the ice.  Not fun!

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin, Eggs, Vanilla Chai Tea

As I look around the house::::

Saturday, while iced in, the hubby built Kaylee a wardrobe so that we could get rid of some of the dressers in her tiny bedroom and make more room to move.  It was a bit nerve-wracking during the process because everything was scattered EVERYWHERE!  The end result will be worth it though.  I must keep this in mind!

On today's to do list::::

We're going to the gym and then getting groceries.  The gym and the market are in the same plaza so it makes it super convenient.

Happening this week::::

Devotions:  This week in our "Bad Girls of the Bible" study, we learned more about Michael, wife of David and Saul's daughter.  Some takeaways:  1.  There is a time to dance.  2.  Unconfessed sin stops worship.  3.  Words spoken in anger burn.  4.  A wise woman rises above her circumstances.

WW:  We had an ice storm on Saturday, so we were stuck inside.  I didn't make it to my workshop to get weighed in.

Exercise:  We've been going to the gym 3 times a week and on the other days I've been getting on my treadmill.  Kaylee and I got "Fitbits" (a cheap brand) so I can truly track my steps.

Housework: Kaylee and I went through her clothes to get rid of any that were too small or that she no longer wears.  She gave some to Laken but most are going to Goodwill.

Doug:  The hubby is on 1st shift (7a-3p) this week but will probably be working overtime so not getting home until around 6p-ish.  He pulled his back a bit moving furniture around Saturday but not too extremely bad.  He's still getting around!

Kaylee:  Kaylee is getting situated in her bedroom after the rearrangement.  I helped her sort through all her clothes are will be taking a full large garbage bag to Goodwill.  She still has a ton of clothes that she was able to hang up in her new wardrobe.  We need to get her some more hangers though.

Laken:  Laken has no school today for MLK Jr.'s Day.  She also is off school on Friday because her school hosts a huge wrestling tournament this weekend.  Another 3 day week for her!

Currently reading::::

I finished "For Love or Loyalty" by Jennifer Hudson Taylor and will be posting a review tomorrow.

Right now I'm reading "Stratagem" by Robin Caroll, one of my favorite suspense authors.

Next, I'll probably read either a historical fiction or a nonfiction.

 On the TV::::

NFL Playoffs!

Listening to:

On the menu week::::

Monday -  Ham, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday -  Stuffed Peppers, Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday -  Homemade waffles, eggs, bacon
Thursday  - Pot pie
Friday -  Pork Chops, Au Gratin Potatoes
Saturday -  Pizza
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

Still working on the Ombre Cozy Stripe Afghan at my leisure.  I'm also making something "top secret" for my Valentine Swap partner!  I'll show pictures after the swap :)

Picture From the Camera

Bible Verse

"In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

Matthew 7:12 NASB


  1. Hello - hope things warm up for you a bit this week. Good for you getting some stuff off to Goodwill. Hubby and I need to do some of that tomorrow since we are both off for MLK Day. Hope your husband gets over his strained back. That Bad Girls of the Bible Devotional sounds interesting! Have a good week. See you again soon!

    1. Have a great day off and thanks for stopping by!

  2. I need to start using our gym again. I get sort of cabin fever not leaving the house and working out at home. Have a nice week.

    1. I know what you mean. I like to get out a couple times a week or I start feeling the walls closing in! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Sending positive thoughts for your husband's back. You are doing great with the gym. I'm sure your daughter's bedroom will look great with the wardrobe.
    Have a great week

    1. Thanks! He went to work today but he has a tendency to work through the pain anyway. He's a good provider :)

  4. Burrrr!!! It's no fun to be iced in, OR to have to walk up the driveway. I'm so glad you are on track with your steps and with the gym.
    Have a beautiful week :)

  5. Ice is awful. I'd rather have snow - which we did. That wardrobe sounds handy. It's time for me to sort through things and make a trip to Salvation Army. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  6. How neat your husband was able to build your daughter a wardrobe! Hope his back heals quickly. Think we had the same ice storm on Friday morning but thankfully, it only lasted a day. Our roads were fine by Saturday afternoon. Have a wonderful week!

    1. The main roads weren't too bad by Saturday evening but we live in the country where the roads don't get treated as well or as quickly and our driveway is a bear!

  7. So jealous of your cold weather, I would love to be iced in lol! Instead, we are suffering our most brutal summer on record. Those are some good takeaways from your devotionals. Have a great week!

  8. Mmmm! I'm coming to dinner every night at your house! Have a great week and happy reading!💜

  9. Didn't get out to services because of the snow on Saturday, but did get to a prayer service on Thursday. :) I love my Fitbit. It's helped me be more thoughtful about getting steps.

  10. New to your blog through Sandra's Happy Homemaker Monday post. Can't say I miss the snow and ice of the east being a transplant to Arizona from Central New York. Pray that your husband heals quickly from his back injury.

  11. Good for you for getting to the gym! I let that slip during the holidays but am back at it now.

  12. My kids have recently sorted their clothes too, we have huge bags to donate.

    Wishing you a great reading week, and less ice!

  13. Ice storms are no fun...especially when you have to slip and slide your way up the driveway. Glad you made it in safely and hope your week is going well. Blessings! :)

  14. Cold temps and ice are not fun. I dread them here. We've been having cold temps too. I'm so ready for spring!



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