
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Book Review ~ For Love or Loyalty by Jennifer Hudson Taylor


Title:  For Love or Loyalty by Jennifer Hudson Taylor
Series:  The MacGregor Legacy Book #1
Pages:  352
Date Published:  November 2013
Publisher:  Abingdon Press


   Scotland to Carolina, 1760

One conquest could destroy her, but avenge his family.

Malcolm MacGregor vows to free his family and exact revenge against Duncan Campbell. When the opportunity arises, Malcolm decides to use Duncan’s daughter as the bargaining price. Lauren Campbell is the perfect answer, until she begins chipping away at the bitterness in Malcolm’s heart and changing everything. Her bold faith and forgiveness ignites guilt he would rather avoid and a love he doesn’t deserve.

Lauren Campbell never expected to discover such a caring and protective man behind the façade of Malcolm MacGregor’s fierce reputation. When they arrive in America, things turn against them, and Lauren finds herself in a fate worse than death. Now Malcolm has the dilemma of freeing the rest of his family or rescuing Lauren, but time is short and with little means, he needs a miracle.    

My Thoughts:

I was scrolling through 's Christmas sales and came across this book.  The cover drew me in right away.  The description and price (less than $2.00) sealed the deal!  Back in the days when I read mainstream romances, I loved books set in the Highlands so I was very eager to dig in to this one!

I found it extremely interesting that people were so desperate that they would sell themselves (indenture) just to get passage to the "colonies".  I was also surprised that people could be indentured against their will.  What a horrible, horrible situation that would be!

The story of Malcolm and Lauren was an epic tale going from Scotland to the High Seas to Charles Towne (plantations and bordellos and lumber mills).  It was quite a ride with a very strong inspirational story line as well.

I really want to find the next two books in The MacGregor Legacy Series!  I'm off to search for them now :)

Onto the next book!



  1. Sounds like an interesting book! I might have to read it soon. I am currently reading the two that I won from you.

  2. This looks good. I am a fan of books set in Scotland. I was there last summer and will be back this summer. This next trip is my 70th birthday gift to myself. I'm excited to add Skye to my list of favorite places in Scotland.

    1. I would love to visit Scotland someday! I hope you have a wonderful trip. I'm jealous :)

  3. Sounds good! I love buying my books at Christian Book. I always find great deals. You just have to dig through the virtual bins. LOL!
    Have a great day.


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