
Monday, December 16, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/16/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

I'm putting together a Pen Pal sign up for 2020.  I'd love for you to join in the fun!  Click HERE for more information.


The weather outside is::::

We've had a very wet past few days.  The temperature has hovered just above freezing.  I can't imagine if all the rain we got would have been snow!  Yikes!

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin, Eggs, Vanilla Chai Tea

As I look around the house::::

A cleaned out and organized desk!
Organized bills!
Laundry to be put away :(

On today's to do list::::

My usual Monday of menu planning and grocery list making.  I also plan on finishing Linda's Prayer Blanket.
Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I'm still reading in Luke.  I'm a few days ahead of the challenge to read 1 chapter of Luke a each day of December.  For "Bad Girls of the Bible" study, we learned more about The Woman At The Well this week.  Some take aways:  Don't be afraid to ask questions and Jesus knows everything about us.

WW:  It was icy on Saturday morning so I was afraid to make the 30 minute drive to my Workshop.  I have no idea if I gained or lost last week.  I'm trying to stay on track without feeling like I'm depriving myself of the Holiday festivities (cookies, fudge etc.)  I guess I'll find out this Saturday how I'm doing.

Exercise:  My Sciatica pain has eased up!  I'm so thankful!  I gave it a week to "heal" now my plan is to get back on the treadmill starting today.

Housework:  I've been on an organizing/decluttering frenzy lately.  We did the Family Room, the Bill Cabinets, my desk drawers and next on my list is the closet!  They might have to wait until after Christmas as that is where all the Christmas Presents are "hidden".

Doug:  The hubby had a nice week off to hunt and relax on the couch.  He also helped me with a few projects.  Now this week he is back to work on third shift for 5/6 days and then he'll be off until after the New Year!

Kaylee:  Kaylee has taken the past week to decompress from the Fall Semester.

Laken:  This is Laken's last week of school for the year.  She's excited for break to get here!  Thursday evening was her Christmas Band Concert.  It is amazing how much 1 year can make a difference in their musical abilities. 

Currently reading::::
 On the TV::::

We've been exploring Disney+ and all it has to offer.  We've watched so many movies and the hubby has started watching Mandalorian.  So far I think it is well worth the money for the subscription.

Listening to:
Another of my favorite Christmas Songs!

On the menu last week::::
Monday -  Steak, Cheesy Potatoes
Tuesday -  Out 
Wednesday -  Fish, Fries
Thursday  - YOYO
Friday -  Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Saturday -  Sausage, Pancakes, Eggs
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
My Winter 2020 Project #1, "Linda's Prayer Blanket" is almost finished.  I just have 4 more rounds on the border to complete.  I should have it done in plenty of time for Christmas :)
Picture From the Camera
I participated in a Christmas Gift Exchange hosted by Carol at Slater's Funny Farm.  These are the gifts I received from Patti at This Beautiful Life.  I'll show you what I got one day this week :)
 "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
John 4:24 NASB


  1. Cute gifts! We're all anxious for Christmas break to get here as well (except my college kid who is also already done). Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. I was wondering about the Disney+ - glad to hear your review. I hope you have a wonderful week - stay warm and safe. The Christmas gift exchange sounds fun. I just emailed you for the pen pal sign-up also.

  3. Oh gifts! how fun - surprise!
    Glad your sciatica is better - it sure hurts.
    we feel so much better when the decluttering and organizing is done .
    Have a great week

  4. Is it wrong to feel envious of your clean and organized desk? Good for you for getting it done! I finally subscribed to Disney+ last week and introduced the children to the Swiss Family Robinson and Pollyanna. They were both big hits. Have a wonderful week!


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