
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Weekly Weigh In ~ 11/20/19

So much exciting news to share with you this week!

First, I was nervous about my weigh-in because I hadn't been exercising regularly.  However, when I got on the scale at Workshop I was down 2.2 lbs!  I was very excited about this loss because I had a gain last week!

And...the new program MyWW launched!  There are now three options to choose from:  Green, Purple and Blue.

Green apparently is what used to be PointsPlus.  Blue is Freestyle.  And Purple is what used to be SimplyFilling.

So...which one did I pick?

At first I was going to stay on Blue as that is what I knew.  I've only ever done Freestyle.  But after some investigation and looking at our new program information we received at Workshop, I decided to GO GREEN!

On Green I get 38 daily points and 42 weekly points.  But...the only foods that are zero points are fruits and veggies.  I'm OK with this as I didn't eat very many of the zero point foods on Freestyle as it was.

I think Green is going to be much easier for me to maintain.  I'll see how it goes.

The good thing about having three options to choose from is that if one doesn't work for a person, it is super simple to change another option.  "They" suggest giving a change 2 weeks to really see how it is going to work with your body and lifestyle.

So exciting!


On to the weigh in:

Starting Weight ~ 7/27/19 ~ 290.8 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 11/9/19 ~ 272.2 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 11/16/19 ~ 270.0 lbs

This Week's Total:  -2.2  lbs

Grand Total: -20.8 lbs

I'll be weighing in on Saturdays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends! 


P.S.  I'm putting together Pen Pals for 2020.  If you are interested, please check out THIS post :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of're going in the right direction and that's GREAT! KUDOS to you my friend!


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