
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankgiving Thankful Thursday ~ 11/28/19

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~Happy Thanksgiving!  This year for Thanksgiving my Mom is handing over the cooking reins to my SIL, Kelly.  She's a bit nervous but I keep telling her it is just "US"!  No need to worry!  Mom and the girls are still making homemade noodles to take along since that is a big tradition with them.  We'll also be making pies, probably on Friday.  Mom and I usually do ALL the cooking so it ought to be a nice, leisurely Thanksgiving.  Hope you have a good one!

~2020 Pen Pals!  I mentioned this last week and wanted to let you know that I have 5 participants so far!  And the sign ups don't end until December 20th!  I'd love you to consider being a Pen Pal this coming year.  Click HERE to find out more :)

~Lunch with Kaylee!  Last Friday, we met Kaylee after her college classes for lunch and some shopping.  We went to Chick-fil-A and then Kaylee and I went to Wal-Mart to check out the clearance racks.  Kaylee got 3 new pair of jeans and I got 2 pairs of jeans.  We both really needed some new ones. I also picked up the cutest knit quarter sleeve shirt for $5!  It was nice to spend some quality time with my oldest girl :)

~Christmas Exchange!  In case you missed it, I signed up for a Christmas Exchange over at Slaters' Funny Farm.  Carol still needs people to sign up and the limit is only $10 so if you interested, please head over and join in :)

~Christmas Schedule!  This week my Mom and I sat down with our calendars and coordinated our Christmas Schedules.  We do this every year!  We made sure everything is planned and scheduled so that it doesn't get too super stressful.  We planned when to make Christmas Cookies, get our Christmas Tree and don't forget the Christmas Concert!  We also wrote down our Church events such as our Christmas Dinner, Christmas Caroling and Christmas Play.  I'm getting exited!!!!  Are you?  :)

What made you smile this week? 


1 comment:

  1. Its nice to have the season planned out so you already know what's going on. Love it!
    Homemade noodles... mmmm... that's the best!!
    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


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