
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 2019 Goals ~ Final Update

As October comes to an end, here is an update on my October goals.  I'll be posting my November goals soon :)

~ Lose 8.2 lbs for the October 3% Challenge

I didn't quite make this goal.  I did lose 4 lbs though!

~ Continue growing out hair

I did NOT get my hair cut this month even though I am starting the eternal debate of whether to stay short or grow my hair out longer!  I really would like to have my long, curly hair back.  I don't have a cut schedule until January 2, 2020 so here's hoping!

~ Get a filling fixed

Done!  It only took about 5 minutes!

~ Go to Homecoming

October 5th was my hometown's Homecoming.  I wasn't feeling very well that day but I did make it to the gathering for a few hours.  It was a fun time of looking at the booths and catching up with friends.

~ Go to the Fall Foliage Festival

The Bedford Fall Foliage Festival is always the first 2 weekends in October.  I took Laken to the festival on Saturday, October 12th.  Kaylee went with Shawn, her boyfriend, and Doug's back was hurting so he stayed home.  Laken and I ate, shopped and browsed the hundreds of booths.  It was nice to spend some one-on-one time with my youngest.  I need to do the same with Kaylee sometime.

~ Make Pies

Our Harvester Class (Ladies Class at Church) made 45 pies to sell at Homecoming.  Friday, the 4th was "Pie Day".  There were 4 ladies + my dad there to make the pies.  It was a long day, but we had fun :)  I do have some apples here at home that I'd like to make into either pies or dumplings when I get the chance.

~ Carve Pumpkins with the girls

We did NOT carve pumpkins this year.  This is the first year since they've been born that we didn't and I don't really even know why we didn't.  I guess we just didn't take the time to go purchase pumpkins and that is kinda the first step!

~ Attend each week's WW Workshop this month

I actually missed my first workshop of October due to being sick :(

~ Get exercise back on track

I'm going to say this is "done" but it is an on-going issue with me so it will probably be on next month's goals as well.

~ Continue working on my Etsy shop (if you want to stop by it is )

I've been working on my Etsy shop and have made a few sales.  I still have some ideas of items to make and list so this is also an on-going item.

How'd you do on your October goals?  Do you plan on setting goals for November?


1 comment:

  1. Well, I rarely ever set monthly goals, but I am considering it. I must say that life has been so very hectic that I rarely find time for much. I am also working on an Etsy shop with my daughter. It is BrownCountyNaturals and I am excited that we are finally able to do this venture together.


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