
Monday, October 28, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 10/28/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

The weekend was dreary and gray with some major rains Saturday into Sunday morning.  After the rain stopped the weather warmed up nicely into the low 70's for a beautiful Fall day!  It is supposed to get in the lower temperatures at night later in the week.  Dare I say...snow????

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin, Vanilla Chai Tea

As I look around the house::::

I see new picture frames.  I picked up three frames at the store for a couple pictures.  One is a drawing that Laken made for me of Lady from "Lady and the Tramp".  She did an amazing job on it!

On today's to do list::::

I need to make a menu and grocery list for the week before going for groceries tomorrow.

I also need to go to the post office to mail a couple packages out.

Oh, and the Steelers play on Monday Night Football!

Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I was really challenged Sunday to read more of the Word.  Instead of ready the little devotional that I've been reading, I'm going to start reading more of the actual Bible.  I'll start out with a few chapters a day and go from there.

WW:  I went to my Workshop Saturday morning as planned.  The scale stayed exactly the same as last week :(  Come back Wednesday for more about this topic.

Exercise:  I am finding it extremely hard to get back into the groove of exercising.  I've put it on my daily calendar and MUST make time to get at least a short workout in a few times a week.  Anything is better than nothing.  Right?

Housework:  How can 2 teenage girls make so much dirty laundry?  I guess that might be a stupid question!  I have one more load to put into the dryer and then their cloths will be ready for them to fold and hang up/put away.

Bills:  It is pay week so I'll be writing out our budget and bills for the next two weeks on Thursday.

Doug:  The hubby is on first shift (daylight 7-3) this week.  It has been a while since he has worked daylight and I miss him terribly throughout the day.  He prefers third shift (nights) but is looking forward to having a change.

Kaylee:  Kaylee and Ginger (a lady from Church) are practicing a song to sing together in Church.  They sound amazing and have only practiced once!  I'll add the song below in the "Listening to:" section. 

Laken:  If I survive this child's teenage years it will be a miracle.  I don't remember Kaylee being so whiny and snarky.  I guess each child is different.  Pray for us!  (only mildly kidding...)

Currently reading::::
Rather than reading "Dead Drift" as I mentioned last week, I decided to pick up a Non-Fiction from my TBR shelf to see if that can get me back into reading a bit.  "Beloved Mess" is interesting so far and rather short.  Here's hoping!

 On the TV::::

Home & Family
All the NCIS's
All Rise
Buff City Law
New Amsterdam


Lion King

Listening to:

On the menu this week::::
Monday -  Ham, Eggs
Tuesday - Pizza
Wednesday -  Chicken, Cheesy Potatoes
Thursday  - Fish, Fries
Friday -  KFC
Saturday -  Pork Chops, Homemade Mac-n-cheese
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I finished the Christmas Baby Blanket to add to Colletta's Kitchen Sink Shop.   I'm now working on an Ourdoorsy/Woodsy Baby Blanket in Soft White, medium brown and sage green.  These baby blankets/afghans would also be great for adult lapghans!
Picture From the Camera


"The LORD says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you'."
Psalm 32:8 NLT


  1. Your weather sounds exactly like ours. Saturday there were so many events planned near us and none of them would have been fun in the rain. Why are you doing a teen's laundry? They are old enough to do their own, especially if they are whiny and snarky. Don't get discouraged with the weight, it will happen.

  2. I have to rewatch the Lion King.. but then again would love to see the new version. Nice song. Snow is in the air here too. Hope you have a great week

  3. We had a glorious weekend but cold temperatures came in today and look to stay for a while. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  4. Are you watching the traditional Lion King cartoon or the new live action one? I've not seen the new one and wondered about it...Just gotta ride the waves with those teenagers (14 & 18 here though boys so maybe a bit different ;) ) Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. I need to go back and start NCIS from the beginning. I was surprised to see a VERY young McGee when I watched Hocus Pocus last night. Oh yes, been there, done that with a teenager! Praying for you.

  6. My boys seem to generate more laundry than my girls, they always seem to come home smeared in something

    Wishing you a great reading week

  7. I am making my rounds a day late... Love the Christmas blanket!! Homemade mac n cheese... oh yum!! Have a great week!

  8. Teenagers and dirty clothes. My son is 16 and when he does laundry it is piles and piles and he doesn't really go anywhere, so what gives? lol

    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  9. Love the blanlet it is amazin. How was the book and enjoyed my visit to your blog and will come again. I got here from Homemaker Monday!


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