
Sunday, August 18, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading ~ 8/19/19
It's Monday!  What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.  It is a place to share what you've read, what you are reading and what you are about to read.
 In Life
Summer.  Vacation.  Is.  Over.
My oldest daughter started College today.  I don't know how I feel.  Nervous?  Excited?  Old?...
We also have "Meet the Teacher" this evening for my youngest daughter.  She's starting 7th grade on Wednesday and has mixed emotions.  She has the same schedule as one of her friends, but the other 3 friends of their "group" have another schedule...together.  She is loving Volleyball (I secretly hoped she would!).
In other news...I didn't get much reading done this week.  Luckily I had a few good weeks and was able to schedule out a review for tomorrow.  After that review posts, I can officially say that I completed the "10 Books of Summer" Challenge!  Whoohoo!
Anyone know of a Fall/Autumn Reading Challenge?
Onto the books!
What I Read Last Week:
 I didn't finish anything last week.  Bummer!
What I'm Reading Now:
I'm hoping to get "A Lady Unrivaled" finished this week.
What's Up Next?:

Still planning on this read next!

Last Week's Posts:

~It's Monday!  What Are You Reading?
~Review:  Truth Stained Lies by Terri Blackstock
~Weekly Weigh In - Week 3
~Books from the Backlog
~First Lines Friday and 56


P.S.  I hope you come join in the Fall Into Reading Challenge.

 Also linking up to the following:


  1. My daughter is starting school this week but my son only starts in Sept. Where has our summer gone! I like the look of A Lady Unrivaled and hope you're enjoying it.

  2. I love the cover of A Lady Unrivaled. I hope the story turns out to be as good as the cover.

    Your daughters are going to be going through some big changes in upcoming months. Wow. College and seventh grade. Big events. You will be there to help them through, I know.

    Here's to some solid reading time next week!

  3. Hoping both your children settle into school well.

    Have a great reading week

  4. Good luck to your daughters. Starting the new school year can always be a little discombobulating.

    Reading challenge-wise: Readers Imbibing Peril starts in September. It covers mysteries, thriller, horror...anything "perilous." Always one of my favorite events.

    1. And I meant to include a link:
      Ug, I obviously need more coffee...

  5. I hope both your daughters enjoy their new school years. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  6. My oldest will be starting college next year. All the best to your daughter on her new adventure. My weekly update

  7. Good luck to your daughter! Shadows of the Past looks good. Have a great week!

  8. My daughter started her classes at college last week. I'm glad for the routine. It's not her first semester so she is fine. She even has the same teacher she had last spring for languages.

    Hopefully with the kids in school, there will be slightly more reading time? Have a great week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  9. My son starts 7th grade next week. It's crazy how fast it's going. Those look like a couple of really interesting books!


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