
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday Talk ~ 3/5/19

Things I'm thinking about lately:

~Barry.  On my mind A LOT lately has been my brother's father-in-law, Barry.  He went to the hospital on Monday with double pneumonia and in the process was diagnosed with lung cancer.  My sister-in-law is a mess and rightly so.  Their whole family has been weighing heavily on my mind and heart and in my prayers this week.  I'd love your prayers of comfort for Barry and the family.

~Instagram.  On a lighter subject, I've started an Instagram account and have been playing around with it.  I'm a bit obsessed right now.  You can find me @collettaskitchensink .  Are you on Instagram?  Leave your link in the comments or come follow me and I'll be sure to follow back :)

~Budgeting.  I've been binge watching budgeting videos on youtube!  I found that I'm already doing a lot of the recommended "tricks" but have learned a lot.  Did you  know the recommended grocery budget is $100 per person per month?  I was pleasantly surprised to calculate that we are already right on track with our grocery budget.  What are your best budgeting "tricks" that I should know??

What have you been thinking about lately???


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