
Monday, March 4, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 3/4/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::

Will winter ever be over!?!?

On my breakfast plate:

Slim Fast

As I look around the house::::

Laundry is done and the weekend was very productive on the home front :)

On today's to do list::::

Watch Damon
Read Thru the Word
Menu/Grocery List

Happening this week::::
Monday.... Devotions, Babysit Damon, menu/grocery list,
Tuesday...  Devotions, Groceries, exercise, Schedule, crochet,
Wednesday... Devotions, Babysit Damon, Dentist, Prayer Meeting,
Thursday... Devotions, Exercise, Bills, crochet, laundry
Friday...  Devotions, Babysit Damon, Family Dinner
Saturday...  Devotions, Exercise, Laundry, Bowling, SET CLOCKS FORWARD!!!
Sunday...  Church, Devotions

Currently reading::::

When passivity and false niceness don't bring the abundant life Jesus promised, some Christian women try even harder to hide behind a fragile façade of pleasant perfection. Paul Coughlin and Jennifer Degler give women the empowering message that they have options far beyond simply acting nice or being mean--if they will emulate the real Jesus Christ and face their fears of conflict, rejection, and criticism. Brimming with enlightening information, thought-provoking questionnaires, real-life stories, and biblically based teaching from both the male author of the pioneering No More Christian Nice Guy and a female clinical psychologist, this book will motivate women to allow God to transform them into authentic, powerful women of loving faith.

 On the TV::::

Masked Singer Finale
Magnum PI
The Voice

Rocky Marathon

Listening to:

This week I featured "Forever On Your Side" by NEEDTOBREATHE.

On the menu this week::::

Monday -  Fish, Homemade mac-n-cheese
Tuesday - Chicken, fried potatoes
Wednesday -  Pizza
Thursday - Weiner Winks, French Fries
Friday - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes
Saturday - Breakfast, Cheese Ravioli w/sauce, Garlic Bread
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I'm taking a break from Laken's Afghan and working on finishing up this baby blanket.  I only have a little over 2 rounds left to go.  The pattern is the Beautiful Shells pattern and can be found on Ravelry.

Picture From the Camera

Kona getting warmed up.  She loves the heater!




  1. That baby blanket is amazing! I wish I knew how to crochet or knit! Beautiful!!!! I am so ready for Spring also - it cannot come soon enough for me!!! Annster's Domain

  2. Beautiful blanket. Nice dog :) Have a great week

  3. I like that quote, I hadn't heard it before. Your heater hog is too cute!

  4. I LOVE the colors of that baby blanket - so pretty! And that picture of Kona in front of the heater is adorable. Have a WONDERFUL week.

  5. Totally forgot about Spring forward..h.. and the afghan... love it! I love doing the shell stitch!! Have a great week!

  6. I really like the baby blanket, the pattern makes me think summery thoughts. Hope you have a great week!


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