
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Wednesday Medley ~ 12/26/18

Come join Terri @ Your Friend From Florida every Wednesday.


National Candy Cane Day is observed across the United States each year on December 26.
In 1844, a recipe for a straight peppermint candy stick, which was white with colored stripes, was published. However, some stories tell of all white candy sticks in much earlier times.  There are folklore tales of the origin of the candy cane, yet there is no documented proof of its real beginning. It has been mentioned in literature since 1866 and was first known to be mentioned in association with Christmas in 1874.   As early as 1882, candy canes have been hung on Christmas trees.
1.  Are there candy canes left in your house right now?  Did you hang some on your tree?  Do you even like them?
We do hang Candy Canes on our Christmas Tree.  They are still there even though the number is dwindling :)
2.  Without a graphic, today is also National Thank You Note Day!  I like receiving that thank you note in the mail for a gift I have given.  Are you good about getting thank you notes in the mail after Christmas (or any occasion calling for a note)?
I love receiving notes and letters in the mail (something other than bills) but I think it is a dying art.  I don't really send thank you notes for  Christmas gifts because I make sure it is known how much I appreciate and love the giver at the time of the giving :)
3.  How are you feeling on this day after Christmas?  Tired, let down, still glowing?  I have felt all of those at one time or another and sometimes all of them at once! Tell us about it.
We had a relaxing Christmas Day at home with presents and dinner.  I love the week between Christmas and New Years!  Everyone is home and I start anticipating putting up a new calendar for a New Year!
4  It is "tradition" to leave the tree and decorations up until after January 6th, to honor the Epiphany. When will your boxes be packed and put away until next year?  Are you, like me, thinking about doing it right now?
As soon as Christmas Day is over, I'm ready to get the house back to normal but it usually has to wait until the Saturday after Christmas when I get the time to take everything down and put it away.
5. Looking ahead to New Year's Eve, do you have plans?  Have you ever celebrated big in New York's Time Square? Would you even want to be there?
I love the New Year!  We'll be going to by brother's house for shrimp in the evening then coming home to "maybe" try to stay up for the ball to drop.  I've been to Time Square on a normal day and it was packed.  I don't think I'd ever want to be there on New Year's Ever.  I'll just watch the show on TV!
6. Tell us something random about your week so far!
I've loved the Christmas traditions and family time this week, but I'm ready for some downtime and normalcy.  I crave routine...



  1. I'm with you, I'm ready for some down time and I hope I get it tonight after work.

  2. Thanks for joining the Medley today! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time and I agree that the week between Christmas and New Year's Day is always fun. Enjoy!!


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