
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/27/18

~Last Thursday was Kaylee's turn to have her Christmas Concert.  She joined the Community Band after graduating high school last spring.  It was so much fun to hear her play the song "Let It Go".  She HATES that song!  lol :)

~Sunday evening after Church, we went Christmas Caroling.  It was threatening to rain but we went out anyway.  It was surprising how many people DIDN'T open the door to hear us sing :(  But so many did and one house even offered us a tray of cookies :)  Wasn't that sweet!?!

~We spent Christmas Eve at my Aunt Donna's with the extended family.  It was so much fun!  The younger kids all got to open their presents from us so that we could watch.  The ladies in the family also do a jingle exchange.   Bring a gift, get a gift.  I got a candle, neck massager and aloe infused fluffy socks.  We had dinner and then had good quality time with family :)

~Christmas was wonderful!  I, as usual, couldn't sleep and woke everyone up at 5 am!  lol  I'm like a kid and was too excited to wait any longer to begin the festivities!  After presents were opened, I took a nap before the cooking began :)

~The girls each got a Ukulele  and spent all day on youtube watching videos to learn how to play.  At one point they were both in Kaylee's room learning chords together.  It made my heart happy to see them doing something together.  It didn't last long though before they started arguing!  lol

I could go on and on about Christmas but I'll stick to five :)  I'm looking forward to the New Year!

What are you thankful for today?



  1. HAHA - I love you woke everyone up. I get up early for Christmas too - we have no kids in the house but I ust love being up before the sun rises on Christmas
    I want to take my youth group caroling next year. That's a shame people didnt open the doors though. BOO - Grinches ;) haha

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. I so want to learn to play the ukulele. Maybe when I retire in a few years.

    Happy New Year!

  3. What fun you had!! The ukulele would be fun to learn... the "IN" instrument now!

  4. It sounds like you had a great Christmas. Ukuleles sound like fun! Thanks for linking up today.

  5. We went caroling with our church group a couple of weeks ago, it was such a lovely evening!
    May God bless you in 2019!

  6. Definitely a great time of year for being thankful! I miss caroling in the cold. There are events of carols in the park, but it's just not the same when Christmas is in the summer!


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