
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wednesday Medley ~ 12/19/18

Come join Terri @ Your Friend From Florida every Wednesday.

1.  Wednesday, December 19, 2018, is National Hard Candy Day! So the first question today is to ask if you enjoy hard candy, especially the kind we usually see during this festive time of year?  What is your favorite?  Which hard candy brings up the best memories for you if any?
I like Hard Candy (or as we call it:  Hard Tack) but not as much as the hubby does!  I like the fruity flavors and he likes the black licorice.

2.  Holiday shopping!  Are you finished? If you could spend an entire day in just one store, which one would it be and why?
We are finished!  And all wrapped!  Some people are going to hate this answer and I, myself have a love/hate relationship with WAL-MART!  The sad thing is that I go in for just a few items and am in there forever!  Sometimes it feels like an entire day :)

3.  What holiday dessert describes you and why?
This is a funny question!  lol  I guess fudge.  I little bit solid and a little bit squishy!  haha

4.  What is your least favorite holiday side dish?
Ewww!  Any vegetable but especially the pickled eggs!  Argh...even the smell!

5.  Now be real!! There is one on almost every tree. What is the ugliest tree ornament you have ever seen?
I participated in a work ornament exchange a few years back and received the ugliest "rustic owl".  It doesn't make it out of the box :)

6.  Tell us something random about your week!!
We started making cookies and fudge last evening.  We spread it out over a couple days.  The hubby wants to make extra fudge to take into work so we still have that to make...  Slowly but surely, we're getting there!



  1. I also like the fruity flavored candies. I like red licorice, but not the b lack.
    My mom always swore black licorice is good for you. She ate it faithfully.

    I also have a love/hate for WAL-MART. I usually only go there for my shirts.
    We order most of our gifts online and we are finished. Most of the presents are in and wrapped.

    Thanks for the fudge reminder. I might make some after our trip to Florida.

    Merry Christmas!!

  2. A love/hate relationship with Walmart is common, I think. So much there to upset me, but when I need something it's there and usually at the best price. Sigh.

    Pickled eggs and beets! I nearly forgot about them. I must get some beets and make a batch. I don't like the beets, but the eggs are a must!

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  3. Fun answers!! I love your answer to #3!! Me too! LOL Thanks so much for joining in today!!

  4. I put a few "ugly" ornaments on my tree because they make me giggle. I am silly like that. Loved your answers! Have a great week.


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