
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/20/18

~Laken had her Christmas Band Concert last Thursday evening.  It was her very first concert performance and she was a bit nervous!  She started playing the flute last year (lessons only) but this was the first year she was able to be in Concert Band.  We got her all gussied up and she did great!  I love going to Christmas Concerts.  It makes my Christmas so much jollier :)

~I actually took the time to paint my fingernails!  I used to get manicures at a salon but gave that up due to the cost.  Now, I usually keep my fingernails cut short but they have gotten a little bit of length to them recently.  I really wanted to paint them a nice, Christmassy red but only have summer colors  :(  I finally picked out a pale pink from my collection and gave them a few coats :)

~I've been "off" for quite a few weeks, as my cousin Steph had broken her collar bone and was off work.  Monday was her first day back to work, so I'm back on duty.  I get Dex ready for school and he gets on the bus with Laken.  Damon gets to hang out with me and Kaylee for the day on M-W-F.  He is such a ham :)

~I rejoined to track my food and exercise.  It is a lot like WW online but FREE! 

~My Mom, Laken, Kaylee and I have started making cookies and fudge for Christmas.  So far we've started with Sugar Cookie cut-outs.  Today we're making Chocolate Chip Cookies and "Almond Joy Cookies" (a recipe I found on Facebook).  We're also making Nut Horns, M&M Cookies, Chocolate Fudge and Peanut Butter Fudge.  :)

What are you thankful for today?



  1. Oh gosh - I hadnt heard of Sparkpeople in forever. Have you ever used the My Fitness Pal - its a free app that is great too.
    I love Christmas concerts too. They do make the season brighter!

  2. I loved being in band and started in 5th grade. Such great experiences!! Congrats on Laken's first concert! I started making candy today. Cookies tomorrow!

  3. Congratulations on Laken's band concert. She is adorable! I used to paint my nails, too, but just can't seem to work up enough enthusiasm to do it anymore. Now they are short and colorless. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Thanks for mentioning Sparkpeople...I'd like to check that out. I used to have a free online health site I liked but I don't think it's active any more. Enjoy your holiday fun! Hugs!

  5. Nice to hear that Laken did great at her concert. I will have to check out Sparkpeople. I don't know much about it. Thanks for linking up today and have a Merry Christmas!

  6. I've never heard of sparkpeople. Looks like a great idea after eating all these wonderful Christmas treats.

  7. I enjoy Christmas concerts. This year I missed all the local ones because I didn't pay attention to dates. I'll be better about it next year, hopefully. Merry Christmas to you. :-)


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