
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 10/25/18

~Last Friday was Parent Involvement Day at Laken's school.  We were able to go have lunch with her and then play all sorts of games and activities.  AND we got to go to the Book Fair!!!  I love a good book fair :)

~Friday night, my SIL, Kelly, got all the kids pumpkins to carve and decorate.  It was dark outside (already!) so they threw a tarp down on the floor and the kids went to work with their tools.  The whole house smelled like pumpkin innards and they had a blast!

~We got a new microwave!  Our old one was on the fritz, so we broke down and bought a new one :)  Now to figure out how to work it :)

~We had snow!  Sunday morning we woke up to a world of white!  I love the first snow.  Something is just so fresh and clean about the flakes an the crisp air.  It didn't stick around long and was gone by the time we got home from Church.  It was magical :) had a Mega Fall Sale this week.  I ordered 6 books for a total of less then $12.00!  I ordered on Friday and I was so excited to come home on Tuesday and see the CBD box on the porch :)  I love getting packages :)

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

  1. OH SNAP - I hate I missed out on the Christianbook sale! Dang it!
    SNOW!! NOOOOOOOOOO... I dont even want to think about it
    We need a new microwave for over the oven. But we dont want the hassle of having to change it out - #lazy - haha
    Come link up with me today!


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