
Friday, October 26, 2018

First Lines Friday and 56 ~ 10/26/18

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

"I tried not to write this book.  And before you decide to be a part of it, I must warn you:  there's a bit of blood on these pages. "
Page 56

"I'm saying this in case you are stretched out between desire and loss right now, stuck in the in-between of a dream.  I could skip that last part and go straight to the better ending, to how it all turns out.  But that middle place is the hardest--it's the furnace and the refinery and what remakes us.  It's the labor and the sweat and the groaning.  It can't be skipped or minimized, diminished or forgotten.  It matters and it is to be honored."
Also linking up to:


  1. Wow...what a first line! Sounds amazing!

    I'm featuring Just Let Go by Courtney Walsh: He shouldn’t be here. A diner in some little tourist town in Michigan was no place for Grady Benson, but here he was.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. That's a great first line!!

    Happy Friday!

    Today on my blog I'm sharing the first lines from All Things New by June Foster. I'm at the 25% mark, so I'll just share a couple lines from there:

    "Though Jett wanted to see how the labor progressed, the medical conditions had change. Jillian had to bring the baby into the world now."

    Kind of intense! 😮

    Hope you have a great weekend filled with excellent reading time.

  3. Great excerpts! This week I am spotlighting A True Cowboy Christmas by Caitlin Crews - from my review stack. Happy reading!

  4. Oh my! Those are some intense lines! Happy reading!

  5. Sounds like quite a read! That beginning was enough to draw me in, although the 56 was quite intense too! Happy weekend!

  6. That beginning is interesting. Enjoy your current read! :-)

  7. Happy Friday!
    This week on my blog I shared A Light on the Hill by Connilyn Cossette but I'm currently reading Tell Her No Lies by Kelly Irvin so I'll share the first line from the current chapter (8) that I'm on: "Upstanding citizens of the community did not lead double lives." It's not an easy book to put down! Hope you have a great weekend with plenty of quality reading time!

  8. I agree that the middle part is the hardest, for so many reasons.

  9. Happy Friday! I’m sharing from A Season of Grace by Lauraine Snelling on my blog. Here’s the first line from a book I treated myself to this week, His Promise by Shelley Shepard Gray:

    “It’s snowing again,” Grace King said to Snooze. “If it keeps up, we’re gonna have a white Christmas. Won’t that be something?”

  10. I love Holley Gerth's works.
    My first line is @


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