
Saturday, October 6, 2018

31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes ~ Day 5 ~ Share

October 5, 2018

Today's writing prompt is the word "SHARE".

I read someone's writing for today (From This Side of the Pond) and she wrote about her sister and how she learned to share.  So now all I can think about is my brother.  I guess I'm stealing her idea a bit  :)

My brother is only 18 months older than me so we grew up very much together.  We played; we fought; we made up; but always, he was there for me.

I was very shy as a child and I can remember physically and emotionally HIDING behind by big brother.  I knew that as long as I was with him I'd be OK.

We're now both married with kids and are busy with our everyday lives even though we only live 10 minutes apart. 

We make it a point to get together for a family meal once a week, usually on Thursday or Friday evening.  Our Mom cooks and we all eat :)

This makes me wonder?  Are you close to your siblings?  Do you have family dinners and if you do how often.

I am eternally grateful for my big brother, Danny, and everything that we have shared and will continue to share.

Come back tomorrow to read my five minutes on "BELONG".


My 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes:

Day 1 ~ Story
Day 2 ~ Afraid
Day 3 ~ Believe
Day 4 ~  Why

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