
Sunday, June 10, 2018

What I'm Reading ~ 6/11/18

Today I'm reading:

Brook Eden has never known where she truly belongs. When her friend Justin uncovers the fact that she is possibly a missing heiress from Yorkshire, Brook leaves the sun of the Mediterranean to travel to the moors of the North Sea and the estate of her supposed family.

The mystery of her mother's death haunts her, and though her father is quick to accept her, the rest of the family and the servants of Whitby Park are not. Only when Brook's life is threatened do they draw close—but will their loyalty come too late to save Brook from the same threat that led to tragedy for her mother?

As heir to a dukedom, Justin is no stranger to balancing responsibilities. When the matters of his estate force him far from Brook, the distance between them reveals that their friendship has grown into something much more. But how can their very different loyalties and responsibilities ever come together?

And then for a second time, the heiress of Whitby Park is stolen away because of the very rare treasure in her possession—and those who can save her still aren't sure whom to trust.

What are you reading?



  1. Wow! That sounds like a great book. I hope you are enjoying it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I am really enjoying the book so far! Happy reading to you, too!

  2. I like the sound of this one. Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  3. I didn't think I would enjoy a historical romance but this is one that I might actually have to check out. Thanks for broadening my horizons.

  4. The cover of this one is beautiful! Plus it sounds awesome, too!

  5. That sounds really good. Enjoy!

  6. Replies
    1. I am enjoying it! Have a great week, as well!

  7. That sounds like an interesting book.

  8. I do so like the sound of this book but sadly archived on Netgalley ages ago. Sounds really interesting.

  9. Ooo this sounds good!! And I love the cover!


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