
Sunday, June 10, 2018

Book Review ~ Sea Rose Lane by Irene Hannon


Three-Time RITA Winner Invites Readers Back to the Captivating Coastal Town of Hope Harbor
After a devastating layoff, attorney Eric Nash heads back to the town where he grew up--only to discover that his childhood home is being transformed into a bed & breakfast. Instead of plotting his next career move in peace, he's constantly distracted by noise, chaos--and BJ Stevens, the attractive but prickly blonde architect and construction chief who's invaded the house with her motley crew.
As for BJ, her client's son might be handsome, but after a disastrous romance, dating isn't high on her agenda. Yet when they join forces to create a program for Hope Harbor seniors, might they also find healing, hope, and a new beginning themselves?

My Thoughts:
I found this book on a bottom shelf at Ollie's hiding between some other books and was so excited!  I had read the first book of the "Hope Harbor" series and really enjoyed it and knew that Irene Hannon does not disappoint!
The book starts out with a bang.  Seriously!
I loved visiting the people in Hope Harbor again, especially Eleanor and Charley.  It was also nice to get to know some new characters.
Eric and BJ's romance was so sweet and lovely.  I couldn't wait to read how everything would turn out for them.
The concept was a bit like the first book of the series with some twists.  Enough twists to make it interesting and unique in its own right.
Lucky me, I have the third book of the series on my shelf from the Library!



  1. Irene Hannon is the author I go to when I need to buy a gift for a young friend. I think this is the one I gave to a friend at a baby shower last weekend. New mums need good books!

  2. The title of your book makes me think of the book I reviewed (in a way). I reviewed "Drawn to Sea" by Yvonne Maximchuk. Her boat is called the "Sea Rose." She uses it travel around the coastal islands and inlets near her off-the-grid home in Echo Bay. She's an artist and gets great inspiration from her surroundings. - Margy

    1. Sounds interesting! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. This sounds interesting. I haven't read this author before.

  4. I'm not familiar with this author. Your review makes we want to read the series. Thank you for sharing at Words on Wednesday! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


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