
Saturday, June 2, 2018

Weekly Weigh In ~ 6/2/18


Over my blogging break, I kinda took a break from diet and exercise also.  And it showed up on the scale today with a 4 lb gain over the last two weeks.  Yikes!

But, I have a plan in place and will be starting fresh tomorrow.  I'll let you know more about my plan in future posts, but I've made some changes.

I'm not giving up!

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  +4 lbs     Total:  -27.8 lbs. 

HW: 297.0
SW1: 285.4
SW2: 275.8
CW:  269.2

Exercise:  Saturday ~ 
                  Sunday ~
                  Monday ~ 
                  Tuesday ~ 
                  Wednesday ~ 
                  Thursday ~ 
                   Friday ~ 

                   TOTAL:  0 minutes



  1. So glad to see you posting again! I lost a little bit this week, but nothing like I wanted too! I'm ready to start summer with some fresh ideas as well! So happy you're back! Here's my weigh in this week! A couple of days late indeed!

  2. Thanks for always being such an encourager!


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