
Friday, June 1, 2018

Tea Time ~ Graduation and Goats ~ 6/1/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~I'm back from what ended up being a short blogging break!  I just enjoy blogging too much to let it go completely :)

~Big, big news!  Kaylee graduated from High School last night!  Whoohoo!  We did it!  lol  I'm super proud of my oldest baby girl.  She got all A's on her last report card and received the "HOPE Award" as well as the Music Award.  Way to go, Kay!

~The girls let me get one last "Last Day of School" picture.  And they are actually looking like they love each other!  I'll enjoy the small accomplishments :)

~We have kittens!  Raspberry, the mama cat, finally had her babies.  There are three little kittens and they are adorable :)  I thought I had a picture but I don't.  I'll have to add one later.

~We got Season Passes to Delgrosso's Park!  It is about an hour away from our house but they have an area of rides and then what is called "Laguna Splash" a small water park.  We look forward to spending many lazy Summer days there :)  They had a small petting zoo on opening day and the Hubby and the girls loved playing with the baby goats.  Of course, they now want one :)

How was your week?

P.S.  Check out the tab at the top of my page to see where I party.


  1. You've had high school graduation already???!!!! Wow! Here in the Great Northeast we don't get out of school until June 23 and graduation is June 24. I teach special needs preK kids so after July 8 i go back for 6 weeks of summer school then another break until after Labor Day.

    Congrats to your Kay girl! Where is she going to college?? It is such a bittersweet time!!!

    How cute baby goats are. One of my sisters who lives in central NY has two new baby goats this year, although one of the mama goats died. 😢
    Have a happy weekend!

  2. Congratulations to your daughter. A huge milestone for her! My daughter loves hanging out with the goats in petting zoos too.


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