
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Book Review ~ You're Gonna Love Me by Robin Lee Hatcher

Who knew fate could twist a tragedy into a second chance at love?

Samantha Winters lives her life the way a good accountant should—measured, deliberate, and safe. After watching her father die in a tragic skiing accident, she decided never to allow risk into her life again. But she didn’t count on falling for Nick Chastain, who embodies everything she doesn’t want in her safely constructed world.

Against Samantha’s warnings, Nick plans a dangerous kayaking trip over spring break. Furious that he’s so careless with his life, she ends their fledgling relationship with harsh words.

Two years later, Samantha is desperately in need of a change. When she learns her grandmother has had an accident and is in need of a caretaker, Samantha quickly packs her bags and heads to Thunder Creek, Idaho. But nothing could prepare her for the surprise awaiting her in her grandmother’s hospital room . . . Nick.

With the charming backdrop of small-town friends, beloved cousins, and a whole church congregation rooting for them, can they set aside the disastrous ending of their first try at love? Has Nick changed enough to meet Samantha in the middle—and can she realize that a risk in love might be worth taking?

My Thoughts:
This is the second book of the "Thunder Creek" series by Robin Lee Hatcher, one of my very favorite authors.  I didn't read the first book of the series but don't feel that it was necessary in order to enjoy this book.
I have to admit that I fell just a little bit in love with Nick!  Don't tell the hubby!  Nick had a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and I learned a lot about this condition through this book. 
Sam was a very fearful person who learns to let go and let God.  I really enjoyed reading her transformation.
I don't usually like stories where there was a prior romance between the main characters, but this one was so well written and the back story was interfused so well that I absolutely loved Nick and Sam's second chance at love!
Such a sweet, Summer read :)



  1. I've enjoyed what I've read by this author so I may have to give this series a try! Thanks for linking up at Booknificent Thursday on!

    1. It was very good! I can't wait to read more of the series :)


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