
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Book Review ~ Fire and Ice by Mary Connealy

BAILEY WILDE IS THE OLDEST SISTER—and the one who takes care of everyone else in her family. But after her sisters marry and move away, her little homestead becomes bleak and lonely, especially during the long winter months. In a moment of weakness, Bailey agrees to a wild plan concocted by her neighbor, Gage Coulter.

Gage is an honest man, but he didn't make his fortune by being weak. He won't break the law, but he'll push as hard as he can within it. Five thousand acres of excellent grazing land is lost to him because Bailey's homestead is located right across the entrance to a canyon full of lush grass. Gage has to regain access to this land—and he's got to go through Bailey to do it. So he makes a proposal...

Can these two independent, life-toughened homesteaders finally loosen up enough to earn each other's respect—and maybe find love in the process?   

My Thoughts:
This is the third book of Mary Connealy's "Wild at Heart" series and I love me some Mary Connealy!
I had read the first two books of the series and was so excited to find the third book at my local library!  I quickly snatched it off the shelf and checked it out.
It did NOT disappoint!
As always, Mary Connealy writes with humor and romance in abundance.
I loved Bailey's character.  She was so independent yet acknowledges her loneliness after both her sisters move away.  She spends a very lonely winter by herself before Gage Coulter comes along with his "proposal".
Gage was quite the character, also.  His reasoning sometimes seemed flawed, (but isn't that so with most men???) and his "proposal" is hilarious.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the entire series.  Get your hands on it if you can, but read them in order for the best experience.



  1. I've read good reviews of Mary Connealy's work! Thanks for adding to the impression that I need to check this series out!

    1. She is a great writer and her stories will draw you in. Definitely check her out!

  2. Sounds like a good read. I'll check it out. Thanks. - Margy

    1. The whole series is good! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I've heard such good things about this author, but I still have yet to read any of her work. Thanks for linking up at Booknificent Thursday on!

  4. All her books are very good! You should give it a try :)


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