
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Weekly Weigh In ~ 5/12/18

I almost didn't go to my Weight Watchers meeting this morning.

Yesterday, was a really bad eating day for me and by evening I was really discouraged with my lack of self-control.

Did it matter to me that the entire week (except for yesterday) I had stuck to the program and exercised enough to go over my FitPoints goal?  No.  All that mattered is that I thought I had failed.

I decided that I needed to own up to my mistake and go and face the music of the scale.

Imagine my surprise when I weighed in for -2.0 lbs!

I guess one bad day doesn't negate all the hard work of the week.  That is a good lesson to learn.  Don't give up and don't give in because of a few mistakes.

So, that means that I've lost 10.6 lbs  since rejoining WW Meetings on my birthday, March 24th.  I'll take it!

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  -2.0 lbs     Total:  -31.8 lbs. 

HW: 297.0
SW1: 285.4
SW2: 275.8
CW:  265.2

Exercise:  Saturday ~
                  Sunday ~
                  Monday ~  50 minutes
                  Tuesday ~ 60 minutes
                  Wednesday ~ 90 minutes
                  Thursday ~ 60 minutes
                   Friday ~ 30 minutes

                   TOTAL:  290 minutes =   52/43 Fitpoints



  1. Yay!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I am sure you did great this week!!! And 2 lbs is a big deal! That's also some long workouts!! I hope next week goes as good for you as this week did! Here's my link and linky party! :)

  2. Would you be interested in co-hosting? That is, adding the same linky party to the bottom of your blog post each week? If you would, send me an email at with your email and I will send you the html for the linky party each week for you to add to your post! If you would like :)

  3. You did awesome! Great job on the weight loss.


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