
Friday, May 11, 2018

Tea Time ~ Prom and Yardwork ~ 5/11/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~Kaylee's Senior Prom was last Saturday night.  She looked beautiful and had a wonderful time.  The theme was "Winter Wonderland".  A bit ironic as we've just now started having Spring weather!  Now to focus on Senior Trip...

~Another Senior Moment was Baccalaureate.  Kaylee was asked to sing to represent the Class of 2018.  She sang a song called "Above All" and did a wonderful job.  I'm so proud of my baby girl!

~I've been able to spend a good bit of time on my deck crocheting and reading.  I LOVE IT!  I can't wait to get flowers to plant in the containers we bought the other day.  We've been doing a lot of yardwork to repair the mess that was made during excavation for the addition.  We also got 12 ton of gravel for the parking lot and driveway.  Lots of work getting done around here :)

~We had our Mother's Day Banquet at Church Tuesday evening.  We ordered a cake for the occasion and I love how the bakers decorated it!  They put leaves going down the sides of the cake.  So pretty!  I'll add a picture soon :)

~I finally wrote a book review!  It was only my 7th review of the year.  I'm so behind on my Goodreads Challenge that I don't think it is possible to catch up.  I think I'm now 12 books behind schedule!  You can click HERE to read my review of Hope Harbor by Irene Hannon.

How was your week?

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