
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tea Time ~ Puberty and Graduation ~ 4/13/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~I turned 40-years-old a few weeks ago!  Whoohoo!  You can read more about it in my "Happy 40th Birthday to Me" post.

~Laken brought home the dreaded 5th grade "Puberty Education Program" permission slip...  How can my baby be of an age to be thinking about puberty?  It seems like yesterday I was giving birth to her!  She's growing up so fast!

~Speaking of growing up...Kaylee is only 35 school days away from graduation!  For the Graduation Ceremony they put together a slide show of the graduates.  I had to go through my pictures and pick out 5 that I would like to be featured of Kaylee.  (She had to approve them.)  Looking through the pictures of her through the years and seeing her grow-up into the lovely young lady she is made me very proud AND emotional!  Here's one of my favorites from her 4th grade Christmas Program:

~I got a new pair of walking shoes for my birthday.  I went for a two mile walk and my heel is now TORN up!  I'll spare you the gruesome details and definitely won't post a picture.  I'm sure you all know what it is like to have a horrible blister on your heel from a pair of new shoes.  Anyway, I've been putting Neosporin on it and a huge Band-Aid to protect it.  Needless to say, I haven't put those tennis shoes back on yet!

~The hubby has been a busy beaver and built our deck onto the addition!  I'm so excited to have my swing on the deck where I can just walk out and relax!  My Mom surprised me with a Welcome mat for on the deck.  I've been waiting to put it outside until the snow stops.  (Please stop, snow!)  I absolutely love the color pops!  And, yes, I'm wearing my flip flops.  See above about my heel :)

~And last but not least, I wanted to show you a picture of 2 of my favorite men.  The hubby and little Damon taking a nap while I worked on a blog post.  Aren't they sweet?

How was your week?
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