
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 4/14/18

I worked so hard this week at sticking to the Weight Watchers Program!  Even though I really worked the Program, I was still leery last night about weighing in this morning.

I gave myself a bedtime pep-talk.  I basically told myself that as long as there was a loss, I'd be happy.  I knew I had done all I could and it would all depend on how my body responded

Imagine my excited surprise when I got on the scale at the meeting this morning and lost...

4.2 lbs!!!!!!

In one week!

I could not be happier!

So in the last 3 weeks of being back at the full Weight Watcher Program, I've lost 7.8lbs!  So exciting!

I also got my 5 lb charm.  Gotta love some bling :)

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:   -4.2    Total:  -29 lbs. 

HW: 297.0
SW1: 285.4
SW2: 275.2
CW:  268.0

Exercise:  Saturday ~
                  Sunday ~  45 minutes Leslie Sansone
                  Monday ~
                  Tuesday ~ 45 minutes Leslie Sansone
                  Wednesday ~ 50 minutes walking outside
                  Thursday ~ 50 minutes walking outisde
                   Friday ~ 50 minutes walking outside

                   TOTAL:  240 minutes = 43/35 Fitpoints!!!

My Weight Watcher App upped my FitPoints goal to 43 for this week.  Check back next week to see if I make it!



  1. YAY!!!!! I'm SO unbeliveably happy for you!!! Thats a huge loss so you know you did good!!! Good luck on another BIG loss this week!! Here's my Sat weigh in!


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