
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 12/23/17 ~ LINKUP


I've been missing from my Saturday Weigh-in posts for quite a while now.

I started having some issues with my depression/anxiety and felt like I had to lighten up on myself for a while.  I'm feeling much better now and really want to get back into a routine of working toward getting healthier physically also.

Once again, I feel as if I'm starting over.  I've gained a few pounds over the past months so I just want to start fresh.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get into an exercise routine that fits my new work schedule.  I'm now working Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8am-2:30 which leaves me just enough time after work to pick up the kids.  My plan will be to get my exercise in on my days off.  I'll probably be using my exercise DVDs, especially, Leslie Sansone walking DVDs.  First, I must get my DVD player hooked back up!  Step one!

Second, I need to control my eating.  I'll be using my Weight Watchers Online program.  I don't know if I'll get fully started on this until after New Year's Day.  I really should at least start monitoring what I'm eating to get into the swing of it again.

Third, my mini-goal is STILL my 40th birthday toward the end of March.  That gives me 3 good months to get back on track.  I haven't set a goal of how many pounds to lose because that really stresses me out.  I'm just going to try to do the best that I can.

Fourth, Saturday Weigh-in posts really help me stay accountable.  I'm going to try to post the good, the bad and the ugly without getting overly worked up over the ugly.

So, what are your healthy living goals for 2018?

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:    Total:  -22.5 lbs.

Exercise:  Non-existent

              TOTAL:     minutes = /35 FitPoints

Notes:  I'm writing this post to help me think through my plan and get back on track.


Whether you've got 100 (or more) pounds to lose or just 5.  Whether you've been weighing in for years or just starting.  Whether you do Weight Watchers or some other diet or exercise program.  Whether you are 65 or 25.  I'd love, love, love to have your support and friendship in this constant struggle which is weight loss/healthy living.
So please leave a comment with a link to your fitness/healthy living/weigh-in post and let us be each other's accountability.

Linking to:  Dare to Share, Saturday Sparks, Bouquet of Talent, Saturday Shuffle, Saturday Sharefest Sundays at Home, Sunday's Best, Dishing It and Digging It, Simple Sundays

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you are getting back on track! Me too!!! I'll be weighing in with you starting tomorrow!! A great way to begin a new season of life :)


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