
Friday, December 22, 2017

Friendly Fill-Ins ~ 12/22/17

 1. I can't wait to see  my girls  open my gift to him/her.  It is probably going to be the last year for the "big guy in the red suit" as my youngest is almost 11 years old.  I'm trying my best to enjoy myself, even though things are so very busy right now.

2. I have had the same 
 calendar for   1 year :)  I have my new one all ready for 2018.  I'm kind of a calendar geek!  Actually, I love all things stationary.

3. I would not mind if Santa were to bring me  a vacation, maybe a beach getaway!  Anywhere would be great.

4. On Christmas Eve, I always    sit in front of the Christmas Tree in the quiet with a cup of tea or hot chocolate and just reflect on the holiday in peace .


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy 2018!

  2. I am still playing catch up! Bill is back on the road. He will have another long weekend for the New Year weekend. I will be unplugged then, too. Routine will come back after the holidays. Until then, enjoy! I hope your holidays and New Year are filled with many blessings. Hugs!


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