
Friday, September 15, 2017

Tea Time ~ Teacups and Decisions ~ 9/15/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~We're all healthy again!  After the sickness making the rounds through the family, everyone is feeling better and back at it :)

~Kaylee has made a few decisions about her future!  First, she has decided NOT to take a year off after graduating High School before going to College.  She wants to keep her momentum going.  Secondly, she has decided that she wants to go to the College I work at and take Multimedia Technologies.  (photography, audio/video, graphic design, etc)  She loves the creativity that it will allow her to use :)

~I signed up for The Enchanting Rose's Tea Cup & Mug Exchange!  I can't wait to see who I get to send a package to!  I also can't wait to see where my package comes from :)  Click the picture below to go sign-up !

 ~My hubby loves me!  I had such a bad headache on Tuesday evening/night that I pretty much just went to bed at 6:30pm.  My dearest hubby did his very best to take care of me by making me scrambled eggs and toast and also massaging my forehead.  I am blessed :)

~Kaylee is running for Homecoming Queen!  This is so out of her comfort zone and I'm so very proud of her for stretching herself to do something new :)
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. Glad you have all recovered and it must be good knowing that Kaylee has settled on her future plans. You're lucky having such an attentive hubby (although mine works well for me too. The tea cup swap sounds fun. I'm part of a book club that organises book swaps which can sometimes get a bit tricky. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. The tea cup/mug exchange sounds intriguing. The only enchange I've been part of was a scrapbook accessory one and that was many, many years ago. I will look into the details for the exchange you'll be part of.
    Hurray for everyone feeling better. And what a gem your husband is to care for you so well when you had your headache.
    The majour Kaylee is going to take sounds absolutely perfect for a creative. And learning these technologies will be so marketable.
    I hope your week treats you well.

  3. glad you are all feeling better from whatever sickness hit you.

    I will pass on the teacup excahnge as 1. i collect coffee mugs from each new area we visit or country and 2. i signed up to do some pen pal exchange and never got one in return after mine so im gonna pass on this, too.😀 but have fun with it.

    yay formyur daughter's decision! my oldest daughter went to Gordon College north of Boston to do graphic design and math and just got a job doing design, much luck to her on the homecoming court too!!

    enjoymyour weekend.

  4. Making decisions and moving ahead is a great way to start off in Sept. Seems like a month of new beginnings.

  5. It's always so wonderful to see our children stretching their wings and growing. Making decisions about college is a big step! Mine oldest just made some good decisions about her future too and it just makes a mom's heart feel good. Good luck to her on her homecoming queen try!

  6. I'm glad everyone is feeling better. This must have been the week for headaches - had one Tuesday and then again today. Multimedia Technologies sounds like a great major.

  7. Great to hear you are all better again! The teacup exchange sounds fantastic, what a great idea and fun thing to be a part of.

    Thanks for joining in once again with Five on Friday, I hope you all have a wonderful week :)

  8. The most important all is that you are healthy and your husband loves you! I think that these are valuable... love and health :)


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