
Friday, September 15, 2017

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 9/16/17 ~ PLUS AN INVITATION!

I only lost 0.2 pounds this week :(

No excuses.  Oh I have them, to be sure!  But it all comes down to discipline.  Which I had none of this week...

I was expecting a gain so I'm "kinda" happy with losing 0.2 lbs this week.  Not excited.  Just not super bummed.  Just so-so.


I have a new accountability partner!  Stacy at Intentional Mommyhood said she is going to start a Saturday Weigh-in also!  I'm super excited about this!  Super-dee-duper excited!

So, if you'd like to join in with a Saturday Weigh-in or Any-day-of-the-week Weigh-in or any kind of Health/Fitness post, I'd be over the moon! 

You can write a blog post and leave a link in the comments OR if you don't have a blog, just leave your results in the comments.

If there is enough interest, we could always turn it into a Par-tay!

So whether you've got 100 (or more) pounds to lose or just 5.  Whether you've been weighing in for years or just starting.  Whether you do Weight Watchers or some other diet or exercise program.  Whether you are 65 or 25.  I'd love, love, love to have your support and friendship in this constant struggle which is weight loss/healthy living.

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  -0.2  Total:  -22.4 lbs.

                 Sat:  30 minutes
                 Sun:   minutes
                 Mon:    60 minutes
                 Tues:    minutes
                 Wed:     minutes
                 Thurs:   minutes
                  Fri:      minutes
              TOTAL:  90 minutes = 16/35 FitPoints


Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking to:  Dare to Share, Saturday Sparks, Bouquet of Talent, Saturday Shuffle, Saturday Sharefest Sundays at Home, Sunday's Best, Dishing It and Digging It


  1. I have been trying to change the way I eat and lose a little bit of weight in the process.

  2. 0.2 is still a loss! Way to go! The scale is moving in the right direction.

    You know that I do a Weigh-In-Wednesday post on my own blog, but I would come visit you toward the end of the week as well!

    1. You did great this week! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. You know I strayed again from watching what I eat. I decided last night to get on the band wagon again so I'll be letting you know next Saturday how it went.

    1. Good luck! Can't wait to hear how you week goes :)

  4. I am going to join your Saturday weigh-in. It will give me accountability ...I hope. I am sort of excited to do this with you. My first will be next Saturday the 23rd. Thanks for the invite.

  5. I'm SO very excited to start this with you!!!! Posting now!!! and big CONGRATS on the 22 lbs! Thats fantastic!!! I will share as well, hope we can get some on board!!


    My Week One!!! SO excited to be doing this together!!!!

  7. Count me in! I am a little nervous about being so public, though.

    1. You don't have to post anything that you aren't comfortable posting! If you notice, I haven't posted my actual weight :)


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