
Friday, September 1, 2017

Tea Time ~ September and Family ~ 9/1/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~Happy September!  September is one of my most favorite months of the year!  The weather is starting to cool, the leaves are starting to change bit by bit, the sweaters are coming out...  And, Doug and I got married in September!  The 17th will be our 17th Wedding Anniversary :)

~Last Saturday we had a Leister Family Reunion!  It was the first one we'd had in quite a while, so it was really good to see some of the family that I don't see on a regular basis.  We had lots of great food and fun complete with a Corn Hole Tournament :)

~I was down 2.4 lbs last week at my weigh-in!  I was so excited!  Now I have to wait for tomorrow to see how I did this week...I think I can.  I think I can :)

~Kaylee had her last first Tennis match!  And she was in the #1 Spot!  Go Kaylee!!! :)

~Uncle Charlie's surgery went well!  Not so much "happy" about this as RELIEVED.  I mentioned earlier in the week that my Uncle Charlie was in a motorcycle accident.  He's been in the hospital since last Saturday with a broken collar bone, multiple broken ribs and contusions on his lung.  Yesterday, they decided he would need surgery to set the collar bone with pins and a plate so that it would heal well.  There still is no word as to when he might be able to come home, so keep praying!

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  1. Congrats to your daughter on her tennis game!!

    and your anniversary is on my youngest sister's birthday!! Sept is my 2nd fave month behind August.

    i hope you have a relaxing weekend and i will pray for your uncle!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yay, Kaylee! The reunion sounds like a lot of fun! Congratulations on your weight loss! So glad your uncle's surgery went well. I just took a moment to pray for him.

  4. Lots of great news! And Happy Anniversary! Glad Sept is starting out so wonderfully.

  5. Congrats for your and your daughter's achievements. Happy anniversary to you and your husband. All the best for your uncle. Have a good week. Cathy x

  6. Your 'magic' anniversary! Seventeen on the 17th :)
    I'm glad your uncle is doing so well--motorcycle accidents can be devastating.
    Congrats to your girl on her tennis win.

  7. Happy Anniversary! The family reunion sounds like fun. My husband's family had his last year. It really is nice to see everyone you normally would not see. Glad your uncle is doing well now after the surgery.

  8. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! September is a good month. We have a lot of birthdays and anniversaries this month: a granddaughter tomorrow and 3 grandsons later in the month, plus a grandson's anniversary. Lots to celebrate.


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