
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 9/2/17

This week was a mixture of great discipline and not-so-great discipline.

Saturday we had a family reunion and while I didn't do horribly with over-eating, I did indulge in the dessert table.  It was glorious!  My family is a family of great bakers!  Seriously.  I didn't even bother tracking that day.

I missed walking a few days, but still ended up meeting and exceeding my WW FitPoints goal.  The weather was gorgeous this week to walk.  The perfect temperature and nice cool breezes.  I heard that next week is supposed to warm up again, but I think it will still be fairly moderate.

I have a goal of trying to lose at least 1 lb a week until my birthday in late March.  (Then, I'll set my next milestone.)  So far, I've been on track and I'm excited!  This week I lost 1.4 lbs for a total loss of 23.6 lbs from my highest weight.  So close to 25 lbs!  Maybe this week I'll hit that goal :)

My week's stats:

Weigh-in: -1.4   Total:  -23.6 lbs.

Exercise: Sat:   minutes
                 Sun:   minutes
                 Mon:   60 minutes
                 Tues:    minutes
                 Wed:    60 minutes
                 Thurs:  30 minutes
                  Fri:      60 minutes
                   TOTAL:  210 minutes = 39/35 FitPoints


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