
Friday, May 19, 2017

Tea Time ~ Flip Flops and Dairy Queen ~ 5/19/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~I had an awesome Mother's Day!  My girls got me Mother's Day cards, picked out by each of them.  After Church my family took me out to eat at a buffet, yummy :)  I got flowers from Laken's school, Church and the restaurant.  Wasn't that sweet?  AND I took a nice Sunday afternoon nap.  Great day :)

~One evening, I saw a commercial for Dairy Queen and the Guardian of the Galaxy Blizzard.  I said to the hubby, "Let's go to Dairy Queen."  And we did even though it is a 30 minute drive away.  Guess what I got!  A Guardian of the Galaxy Blizzard :)

~There are two, yes two, CAL's (Crochet Alongs) that I am going to participate in.  The first started this past Monday and is called Stardust Melodies CAL.  The second starts on Monday and is called Atlanticus.  I've picked out my colors although I keep thinking about other color combinations.  The struggle is real!  I'm looking forward to working on both :)
~Kaylee had her Spring Band Concert on Wednesday night.  I can't believe she only has one more year of High School!  She even let me take a close-up of her wearing her pretty blue dress :)

~I'm hosting a Flip Flop Swap!  The cost limit is only $10 and sign-ups end on June 2nd.  I do hope you will consider joining in.  You can find more information HERE.

What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. I've never heard of a flip flop swap but it sounds like great fun!
    Thanks for joining in with Five on Friday
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  2. It is amazing how quickly the children grow! I wish your flip flop swap is a success! Happy weekend.

  3. I hope your flip flop swap goes well. I can't walk in them, sadly. I fall over!

  4. Lovely Mother's day celebration! I remember my grandson in his concerts. He isn't playing an instrument this always makes one so proud!

  5. Sounds like you had a great mother's day. Kids grow up so fast - enjoy them while you can!

    Happy Five on Friday

  6. Glad you had a good Mother's Day! My kids were in choir rather than band, but both were so small that they did spring concerts together. Fun memories!

  7. Never heard of a flip flop swap! Or a crochet-along. Will have to check them both out!

  8. Looks like you had a special MOther's Day!!

    My daughters both studied violin and were in Orchestra from 4th-12th grade except my youngest dropped out last year (beginning of her junior year) to pick up a 2nd foreign language and had no time to take Orchestra....i miss those concerts! Enjoy every moment with your girls...the time goes by so fast! My "baby" is at her senior prom as i type this!!

    happy weekend!!

  9. I didn't realize we had kids so close in age, my older son is going to be a junior next year. A flip flop swap sounds fun. Hope you are having a great weekend!

  10. The crochet alongs sound addictive - I have so many things on needles at the minute, it'd way past time to start finishing things!

  11. I hope you enjoy the Crochet Alongs. Believe it or not, considering how much I knit, I've never done a KAL. Today I am weaving in ends on hats, hats, and more hats.
    We always enjoyed the band and choir concerts. Now we attend the university and community concerts--no more kids' concerts.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. My teens both loved going to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 recently. Tonight the older one saw Alien Covenant, from the Alien film series. All the best with the CAL, I'm still doing mine - a blanket - but everyone else has finished. The KAL -
    a shawl, I'm doing has finished too. Have a good week, Cathy x

  13. A varied and interesting five. I like the idea of a flip flop sawap but it is snowing here at the moment so not the right time of the year in this part of the world :)


  14. Your Mother's Day sounds lovely and like you were nicely honored. Now I am curious what is in a Guardians of the Galaxy blizzard. I'll have to look that up. I haven't had a blizzard in forever.


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