
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Weigh-In Wednesday ~ 1/11/17

My inspiration:
Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3


After last week's gain, I'm so excited this week to be able to show you a happy picture!

It turns out that the receptionist forgot to give me my 5% Charm a few weeks ago.  (That means that I've lost 5% of my starting weight!)  After someone else in the group got theirs, I made sure to ask about mine.  Here it is:

I was also happy to have lost 1.6 pounds at the weigh-in.  That means I only have 0.2 lbs to lose and I'm back where I was before Christmas week.  (Remember the peanut butter fudge?  ugghhhh!!!)

At this week's meeting, we received all the new brochures for the year.  Our fearless leader, Dorothy, spent most of the time going over the booklets so not much new this week.

Just a new determination to make this year great!

I could feel the energy and expectation in the room for what is to come in 2017.

I really can't tell you how much I enjoy attending the weekly meeting even if it means getting up at 6:30am every Saturday morning to get there early for weigh-in.

My next goal is to hit the -20 lbs mark.  Only 3.6 lbs to go!

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  -1.6 lbs.  Total:  -16.4 lbs.

Exercise:  I started the week of well until I got the crud.  I was so sick and it was hard to breath so no more exercise for me that week.

Tracking:  I did better with my tracking and even though I wasn't getting the exercise in, I was trying really hard to stay within my points.  I was so craving junk, but I prevailed for the most part and it showed up at my weigh-in :)


Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up to  WholeHearted WednesdayR&R, Word Filled Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Ladies Collective,   Party in Your PJs,  Works or Me, Wake-Up Wednesday and  Women with IntentionPeaches and Salt, Raising Homemakers, Wise Woman, Classical Homemaking , Wow Us Wednesday.


  1. Good morning and well done! I found the meetings to be a huge help when I was using the Weight Watchers program. So much motivation from the other members. Once I get closer to my goal, I think I'm going to go back. The program I'm on right now is very restrictive and I'm looking forward to switching to a program where I can eat what I like, just in moderation of course!

  2. Well done! You are doing so well. I will have my weekly weigh in up in a bit on my blog but it was good news as well! I love when the scale goes down. Sorry you didn't feel well last week. I hope you are feeling better!

  3. Good job! Thank you for stopping by Woman to Woman Ministries and linking up.


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