
Friday, January 20, 2017

Tea Time ~ The Steelers and New Yarn ~ 1/20/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~I'm the featured blogger at High Five for Friday Link-up that goes live at 8am Friday mornings!  I'm so excited :)

H54F - A weekly link up, hosted by Cup of Tea, Bright on a Budget, Coffee with Caitlin & Della Devoted

~The Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Kansas City Chiefs!  They are only one game away from the Super Bowl :)

~Kaylee and I picked out yarn for her Temperature Blanket!  I'll be crocheting a row for each day of the year 2001 :)

~I got my new Ladies Bible Study Book!  I LOVE getting new books full of possibilities :)

~I'm still accepting participants for the Favorite Color Swap!  Click HERE to read more and join in  :)

 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. have fun with your live blogging!!

    great list! the penpal exchange has begun right?? i sent you an email but dont know if you received it?

    happy weekend!!

  2. Love the wonderful array of colours chosen for your blanket, stunning.

  3. Fun five. Love the yarn colors. The kicker for the steelers, Boswell, went to Rice University -- a university I support and is just down the street ... I have to support the Steelers! Happy Friday!

    1. What a fun bit of info! Without Boswell, we definitely would have lost last week! Go Steelers! Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. Happy Friday! Congrats on your H54F feature!!! The blanket will look so pretty with all of those colors :)

    Sarah Bell
    Trendy & Tidy

  5. Lovely colours of yarn! Congrats on yours being the featured blog.

    Happy Five on Friday!

  6. Lovely moments from your week! Great yarn colours too, enjoy working with them!

  7. Love the yarn you chose! Such pretty colors. I have been wanting to learn how to crochet, but haven't been successful. Happy Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Love the yarn colors. Sorry I can't root for the Steelers. My hubby is a huge Cleveland Browns fan so that wouldn't fly in our house. Personally I am a huge Packers fan so that's who I am cheering for on Sunday!

  9. I love your yearn stash...

    Please visit:

  10. Lovely bright colours in this post to brighten up a dreary January day. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Was a little confused about crocheting for 2001, but I'll look around and try to figure it out. Those bright colors perked me up on this wintery day.

  12. Great idea to make a temperature blanket especially in all those pretty colours. Have fun.

  13. I'm guessing a temperature blanket is where you choose a colour for a range of temperatures and crochet the right colour for each day so blue if it's a cold day and red if it's hot? My cousin is knitting a sky blanket. Similar principle but based on the colour of the sky each day. I'm sticking to smaller projects right now. Future grandson sized projects! :)

  14. What colorful yarn. Congratulations on your team doing so well!

  15. The live blogging sounds fun. congrats on being chosen. Love the idea and colors of a temperature blanket. The ladie's study looks good. Enjoy getting into God's word.

  16. The daily row blanket sounds like a great idea. I hope you'll post photos as it grows.


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