
Thursday, January 19, 2017

"31 Verses" ~ Verse 3 ~ Proverbs 29:25

Welcome to "31 Verses"!
I'm so glad you have joined me today! 
Verse #3:
"Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe."

Proverbs 29:25


Study Questions:

1.  Hebrews 13:6 boldly asks, "What can mere mortals do to me?"  How would you respond to that question in light of your life experiences?

When I was younger, I was extremely shy!  So shy that I would literally hide behind my older brother.  (Thanks for being there for me, Dan!)  As I've grown in age and in wisdom, I hope, I've realized that other people are not something to be afraid of.  I don't have to hide from them.  I can boldly express myself and give my opinion on matters.  They won't "bite".  The ONE I need to please is God and not man.

2.  If you're prone to worry about people's opinions of you, what might help you rest in God's opinion?  Or if you have no fear of what people think, what helped you achieve that mind-set?

I still do, to a certain extent, worry about what others think of me.  I think my knowledge of Christ and His Word has helped me overcome this mind-set.  I've learned that if I seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, everything else will come in time.  I'm a lot more laid back over-all.


Liz's Tip #3 for Memorizing Scripture:

Pick a good place.
It helps to do memory work in consistent surroundings.


It is my greatest desire that you truly take the time to write Proverbs 29:25 on your heart this week.

I hope you will answer the study questions on your blog and leave a link in the comments.  If you don't have a blog, please feel free to leave any answers, thoughts or questions in the comments.


Linking to:

 Spiritual Sunday and Counting My Blessings , Faith And Friendship , Grace And Truth , Dance with Jesus, Sunday Stillness, Give Me Grace .
Art of Homemaking, Make Your Home SingGood Morning Monday, What Joy is Mine
Totally Terrific TuesdayTitus 2sdays, Unite, Share Your Stuff, Treasure Box, Do Tell Tuesday and Titus 2 Tuesday, Hearth and SoulA Spirit of Simplicity,  Tuesdays with a Twist  , Inspire Me , Tuesday Talk.
Coffee and Conversation, Ladies Collective,   Party in Your PJs,  Works or Me, Wake-Up Wednesday and  Women with IntentionPeaches and Salt, Raising Homemakers, Wise Woman
Share Your Cup;  Grandma IdeasLiteracy Musings and Saturday Situation, Booknificent. Party at My Place , Saturday Review of Book , Book Nook, Hearts for Home

1 comment:

  1. I am always challenged and encouraged by this verse. Thanks so much for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on this week.


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