
Friday, December 9, 2016

Tea Time ~ Christmas Cards and Calendars ~ 12/9/16

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~I finished Aunt Donna's afghan using I Love This Yarn in Stonewash!  I love finishing a project :)

~I received my Christmas Card from a Christmas Card Swap!  It came all the way from England :)

~I adore turning the calendar to a new page!  Especially to December :)

~I started the Holiday Cable Throw!  This is part one :)

 ~We have 42 participants signed up to be a PenPal for 2017 so far!  I'd love YOU to join :)  Click HERE for more information.

 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. What pretty colors for an afghan and those are something I don't see anymire around here. My mom and an aunt used to knit them all the time way back when i was growing up.

    Yay for December and getting Xmas cards in the mail! Imreceived one this week too although again, it seems to be something that's going by the wayside.

    have a wonderfully relaxing weekend!! looking forward to seeing who my penpal will be!

  2. What a great talent you have for knitting! Huge projects! My smile moment this week has been the arrival in the mail of some tea from a friend on the other side of the country!

  3. Cards always make me smile. Love your beautiful afghan such striking colours.

  4. Such a lovely a afghan, very pretty colours. I love getting and sending Christmas Cards especially from afar. Everyone's Christmas trees are making mew smile this week. Have a lovely weekend x #Fiveonfriday

  5. Your Afghan looks so beautiful, I love the colours. Isn't it getting Christmassy now!

  6. I see we like the same flavor of tea although I drink mainly Chai green tea. The start of your throw looks like it will be as beautiful as your completed afghan!

  7. What lovely moments from your week, your blanket is beautiful!!! I am sure that it will be much loved. Glad your card arrived and that you have enjoyed the swap, off now to look at your pen pal initiative!

  8. Your afghan is beautiful as is your cable throw. I keep forgetting to post my card and that is has arrived - thanks for the reminder.

    Happy Five on Friday

  9. The afghan and throw look really nice! Fun to have a project finished - and to start another one. :-) Turning a new calendar page is one of my all-time favorite things, too.

  10. Colletta, this brought a smile as I just enjoyed a cup of the exact same tea:)

  11. December is a lovely month - keep on enjoying!

  12. Enjoyed your five but I can't believe how quickly we turned the page to December :)


  13. Hello there, I saw your name and blog mentioned on Jo's blog at 'Through the Keyhole'so thought I'd come and visit!
    Isn't it lovely to receive Christmas Cards ... I've just finished writing mine ready for posting.

    I hope the pen pal swap goes well, good luck to all who take part.

    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  14. Your crochet work is beautiful! I need to go work on sending some cards and would love to participate in the pen pal project, but fear I could not be faithful in participating. Thanks for sharing your five!

  15. Beautiful work and oh doesn't it just feel wonderful when we finish.

  16. I really like the colors in the finished afghan. Finishing a big project always feels so good. I used to love getting Christmas cards but with the price of mailing in Canada right now, almost 90 cents an letter, it's becoming a dying thing. Sad because when I was a kid my mom used to get tons and they'd cover every surface in the living room and we'd read them over and over.

  17. Great job on the afghan. What made me smile this week was seeing my high school peeps as it's been 15 months since we last got together in Novato.

  18. The afghan is beautiful! And a card all the way from England...what a great idea, a Christmas card swap. It seems you are fully enjoying a peaceful and joyful Christmas season. Merry Christmas Colletta!


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