
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Family Time~ Moana ~ 12/6/16

Over Thanksgiving weekend, we took the girls to see "Moana".  Who am I kidding?  We also took ourselves because Moms and Dads like Disney movies too!
Laken and Kaylee

Here's the trailer for your viewing pleasure:

My Thoughts:

I loved the animation and the songs in this movie.  The scenery was beautiful and makes me want to go to Hawaii even more!  Maybe someday....

I love Dwayne Johnson and really enjoyed him as Maui.  He even sings!

I was a little worried about having to explain to Laken (9) that there is only ONE true God and that "little g" gods aren't real.  I didn't have to worry at all.  She already understood it all.  Either we're doing a good job at teaching her about the Lord or she's just growing up on me.  Hopefully both!

I especially enjoyed the fact that Moana's character doesn't have to fall in love with a handsome prince in order to have a great ending.  In fact, she says that she isn't a princess.  She's the daughter of a chieftain.  I like that!

It was definitely a fun movie to watch and see the story unfold.  It is bound to be a classic!



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