
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Tea Time ~ PenPals and Snow ~ 11/25/16

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!  I hope you had a great one :)

Image result for thanksgiving

~I'm currently organizing a 2017 PenPal event and so far we have 18 participants!  Make sure you sign-up before 12/19/16 :)  See my sidebar or click HERE for more info.

2017 PenPal Sign-ups

~I met my 2016 Goodreads Challenge goal!!  Now I'm reading bonus books :)

~We had SNOW!  It didn't stick around long, but SNOW :)

~Because of the above snow and cold, I dug out my Leslie Sansone Walking DVD's!  I can rack up miles so quickly with these workouts :)

 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. What is a walking DVD? do you walk in place?? i would be so bored so quickly i think! I had a leslie Sansone dvd once but i think it was aerobics. I still walk when there is snow and if temps are above 20. but i also start going to the gym or doing work outs at home in the colder winter months....ugh...i much prefer biking, running, walking and hiking from April-Xmas outside!! lol

    I hope you have a wonderful rest of your Thanksgiving weekend.

  2. I think I have exceeded my Goodreads goal, but I haven't been updating there - I need to take some time to do that. Congratulations on meeting yours! I have some Leslie Sansone DVDs, too, and they do help. I'm glad we haven't had any snow yet, LOL!

  3. Well done on completing the reading challenge. I've exceeded mine but I set the bar reasonably low this year. (In previous years I set it too high.) I don't have any of the Leslie Sansone DVDs but I have used Youtube videos of hers when I haven't been able to get outside and walk. Have a good weekend.

  4. I do have a Leslie Sansone DVD. It's been awhile since I used it, thanks for the reminder!

    Glad you got a dusting of snow. Those kinds of snowfalls are the best kind!

    Your pen pal idea sounds wonderful but due to my schedule, I'm unable to participate. Maybe next year!

  5. I love your pen pal idea! I don't know if I can commit to it at this time, but I will definitely keep it in mind! Such a great way to #SpreadTheKindess!


  6. I signed up for the PenPals! I hope we get snow here in Southwest Virginia! I would love a White Christmas :)

  7. Wow, congrats on reaching your reading goal. I am a bit behind on my Reading Challenge. Have never heard of those DVD's but sometimes I go on YouTube where they have tons of workout stuff. Anything to keep one moving!


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