
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Teaser Tuesday ~ Veil of Pearls ~ 11/25/16


My teaser for this week is from:

~"If Althea got caught, Sir Walter would whip her to death.  It was why her heart hammered in her chest and her breath seized in her throat.  It was why she stood at the top of the stairway unable to move.  Darkness coated the main corridors of the house like molasses, so thick it nearly forced her backward down the long hall to her chamber.  Where she belonged.  Where she was usually locked behind a bolted door.  But not tonight.

Not ever again."~


Also linking up to:

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Wow - that's an amazing teaser! Is this one a straight historical adventure, or has it any paranormal overtones? This is my TT this week -

    1. I don't think there are any paranormal overtones. Just straight historical.

  2. Great teaser. I wonder why she was behind a locked door.
    sherry @ My TT

  3. The cover is so pretty, but I'm not sure about the intro. I'd need to read a little more before deciding. Hope you enjoy it!

    1. The cover and intro don't really mesh well, do they? lol

  4. Oh, boy! Definitely sounds interesting.

    My teaser this week is from an Amish Thriller:

  5. This is not a genre I'd be drawn to but, hope you love this one.

  6. Wow - that's a great opening paragraph! Lots of tension right off the bat.

  7. The locked door definitely sparked my curiosity...what is going on? I know that I want to find out! Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “THE LAST GOOD GIRL”

  8. Lots of questions raised in the opening: What's her relationship to Sir Walter? Why is she locked away? And what is she contemplating doing? I'd keep reading to find out!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  9. Love this author and want to read the book.

  10. I'd like to keep reading right now. LOL What a lovely cover and title too.

    My TT from Extinct

  11. Hi Colletta,

    First of all, Thank You so much for stopping by Fiction Books this week. I enjoy 'meeting' new people, so your visits and comments will always be welcome and appreciated :)

    Despite my own post this week, I assure you that I have very eclectic reading tastes and do enjoy historical fiction from time to time. No excuse for me cheating a little and checking out the full premise for 'Veil Of Pearls' I know, but the cover art and teaser lines were just too intriguing for me not to want to know more.

    I'm not certain that I could read the seafaring books which seem to be the authors stock in trade, but as a stand alone story 'Veil Of Pearls' is definitely heading for my list, so thanks for sharing :)


  12. Intense! I do want to know what happens, now. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE RED CAR”

  13. Yes, I would have to keep reading this one.


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